Course syllabus


SJM097 Safety and security officer lp1 HT23 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

SJM097 Studieportalen

Contact details


Lars Telestam, , 031-772 26 19

Del A – AFF

Lars Telestam,  , 031-772 26 19

Petter Nystedt,

Del B – SSO

Robert Severin,, 031-772 26 86

Del C – Safety Officer

Daniel Ernstsson,, 031-772 26 21

Fredrik Forsman, , 031-772 36 88

Del D - GOC

johan Gregersson,, 031-772 24 84



TSJKL                               Ella Göth

TSJKL               Anas Jarkas

TSJKL           Lovisa Lundh

TSJKL          Jakob Sjögren



Course purpose

The purpose of the course is to establish necessary knowledge and skills in order to be able to take command during emergency and crisis situations on board and during search and rescue operations. After completion of the course the student should be able to responsible for security and safety on board.


Time Edit 


Course literature

Sjöfartsskydd & ISPS-koden Jure Förlag AB
(ISBN: 978-91-7223-5120)

Sjöfartsskyddsföreskrifter; Jure förlag (ISBN: 978-91-7223-434-5)

International Maritime Organization, International manual for sea and air rescue, Volume III, Mobile Resources (IAMSAR)

Risk management in the national system, a practical guide, AMSA

Handbok utbildningsmetodik, Försvarsmakten, 2013

Teaching Physical  education, Mosston, Ashworth, 2008 (pdf)

Course design

Teaching is divided into a series of lectures and exercises both in the simulator and at the training facility.

Exercises at the training facility is not carried out at Chalmers campus.

There are several mandatory learning activities in all parts of the course.

During the practical exercises students must follow specific safety instructions.

Changes made since the last occasion


Learning objectives and syllabus

Part A/Advanced fire fighting (AFF) - 0119

(L1) Explain how the organization, procedures and technical systems are used when controlling fire fighting aboard ships.
(L2) Apply procedures when controlling and commanding fire fighting aboard ships.

Part B/Ship Security officer (SSO) - 0219

(L3) Explain the threats that the ship may be exposed to.
(L4) Explain how hazards and threats can be detected and what actions that should be taken
(L5) Explain the procedure conducting a security assessment for ships
(L6) Explain actions aboard when implementing the ships securty plan.

Part C/Safety officer - 0319

(L6) Understand actions to be taken both preventive and during an emergency on board including damage control
(L7) Conduct a safety exercise recognizing rules, risks and the method of instruction.
(L8) Apply rules and procedures during a search and rescue operation

Part D/General Operators Certificate - 0419

(L9) Apply subsystems within the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) in order to be able to transmit and receive distress, urgency and safety messages

Examination form

Part A/Advanced fire fighting (AFF) - 0119

Compulsory attendance of lectures and successful completion of the practical exercises.

Part B/Ship Security Officer (SSO) - 0219

Approved submission / task and group work and compulsory attendance at lectures.


Part C/Safety officer - 0319

Successful completion of the practical exercises and handins related to exercises


Part D/General Operators Certificate - 0419

Practical examination using GMDSS sub-systems