Course syllabus


DAT460 Förnyelsebar elproduktion och eltransporter lp2 HT23 (3,5 hp)

DAT460 Renewable electricity production and electric transportation

The course is given by the department of Electrical Engineering (E2)

Contact information

Examiner: Xiangdong Xu ( , 031-772 1641

Lecturer: Experts in each course parts and Ola Carlson (Professor Emeritus).

Tutorial: Bowen Jiang ( , 031-772 3013

The Course

Welcome to the course on the renewable electricity production and electric transportation. In this course, we will delve into the fundamental concepts of electricity production from wind power, solar power, and hydropower, focusing on the current developments in Sweden. Additionally, we will explore the operation of electric vehicles and other emerging loads within the power grid. Understanding the integration and interaction of these renewable power generations and emerging loads within the power grid will be a key objective of this course.

As the global demand for electrical energy continues to rise, it is crucial to adopt environmentally friendly practices in power production to ensure sustainable development. This course will emphasize the importance of environmentally conscious electricity generation, aligning with the growing need for sustainable transportation.

Join us in this course to gain a solid foundation in the Swedish power system, learn about various renewable energy sources, and explore how the integration of these sources and the management of power loads contribute to more sustainable future. 


We have multiple lecturers working in this course to provide you with the best possible expertise in different subject areas. The lectures are recorded and can be viewed on Canvas at your convenience. We offer one evening session per week for questions and discussions, which will be held on Monday evening from 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM. The Q&A will be hold in English.

For the assignments (Tutorials), are hold on every Thursday evenings from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Bowen will lead the Tutorials in English. The exercises assignments will be on Zoom. You can sign in by writing your name in the chat window. The Zoom link for lectures and Q&A sessions can be found under the Zoom section on the course page in Canvas. Alternatively, you can email your questions to  or and we will address the questions and summarized in the next tutorial.

After completing each exercise, results need to be summarized as plots with some briefly comments and discussions. You are required to present the results orally twice during the course: once after the wind power 2 and once after completing all the exercises. Each presentation should not exceed 30 minutes. Sign-up sheets will be available on Canvas under the People (Personer) section, where you can register for a group that suit you best.

To pass the course, you need to write a course report summarizing the content of the different lectures in short, highlighting what you consider to be the most important aspect, and including the results and discussions from the exercises. This report should be submitted by the end of the course.

Additionally, we have included several compendiums in the course home page. There are number of resources available, it is not necessary to read them all. Simply select the ones that interest you and are relevant to the exercises.

Preliminary planned consultant lectures and subjects.




Assignment task


44/ 30 Oct 19:00

Electric power system in Sweden


Electrical system

44/ 1 Nov 15:00

Wind power basics


Wind power 1


45/ 6 Nov 19:00

Electric power technology basics

Overview of Market Operation_2021




Tuan Le


45/ 8 Nov 15:00

Wind power in electrical system



46/ 13 Nov 19:00

Wind power project planning

Sara Fogelström

Wind power 2

46/ 15 Nov 15:00

Environmental aspects of wind power

Sara Fogelström


47/ 20 Nov 19:00

Hybrid vehicle technology 1


Electric hybrid vehicle

47/ 22 Nov 15:00

Battery technology in electric cars

Evelina Wikner


48/ 27 Nov 19:00

Hybrid vehicle technology 2



48/ 29 Nov 15:00

Solar Power



49/ 4 Dec 19:00

Wave Power

Claes Eskilsson /XX

Wave power

49/ 6 Dec 15:00

Hydropower and condensation power














Course literature

The material is available in course home page for download. 

Course structure

This course provides you with technical descriptions of renewable electricity production from wind power, solar power, wave power, and hydropower. By studying these power generation techniques, you will develop a basic understanding of their principles and applications. Additionally, we will explore the unique characteristics of emerging loads, with a specific focus on battery electric vehicles. Understanding the structure of the Swedish power system and addressing grid integration challenges for renewable power sources and emerging loads will also be key components of this course.

Lectures (Self-study): contains the structure of the electricity network, renewable electricity generation and transportation.

Assignment work (mandatory):

As part of this course, you are required to complete 6 mandatory assignment works, namely: Electric Power Systems, Wind Power 1 & 2, Wave Power, Hydropower, and Electric Hybrid Vehicles. These projects will focus on understanding the basic function and power flows of each subject and will primarily involve simulations and reporting (plots) using Microsoft Excel.

Electric power system project

In this project, you will sketch a future electric power system based on the current structure of electricity production. You will analyze production data from 2022, which can be downloaded from Svenska kraftnät's website. Using Excel, you will work with this data to visualize the future energy mix and analyze its potential consequences.

Wind power project: Based on a typical wind power plant and an imagined location to simulate the distribution of wind throughout the year. You will create a wind-effect curve and calculate the electricity production for a year. Additionally, you will explore the different operating phases of the power plant, with a particular focus on optimal operation. Furthermore, you will estimate sound propagation for a smaller wind farm. This project will require more extensive work, approximately 25 hours.

Wave power project: In the wave power project, you will calculate the electricity production of a wave power plant. This calculation will consider the forces acting on a wave energy buoy. This project is relatively smaller, requiring approximately 5 hours of work.

Hydropower project: This project will focus on understanding the dependence of electricity production on drop height and flow. You will also explore how hydropower plant is operated based on the power consumption and the power production from solar and wind power. This project will require approximately 10 hours of work.

Electric hybrid vehicle project: You will analyze the forces affecting a vehicle during operation, including air resistance, acceleration, road gradient, and rolling resistance. You will calculate the energy consumption for different driving cycles and address various aspects of charging, such as charging power, time, grid capacity, and the need for charging control. This project will require more extensive work, approximately 20 hours.

These project tasks will involve analysis and calculations using the Microsoft Excel program. Throughout the project duration, you will receive guidance through two weekly meetings or via email support.

Reporting of project data will be conducted orally through conversations and online presentations via Zoom. Each task has a deadline, and requests for later reporting may be permitted after consulting with the tutor.

Changes since the last course session

Change of examiner.

Course-PM changed into English.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding:

  1. Explain the driving forces and motivations behind the increasing emphasis on renewable electricity production and the electrification of the transport sector.
  2. Describe the technical characteristics, performance, and environmental consequences associated with wind, solar, wave, and hydroelectric power generation.
  3. Describe the technical characteristics and performance of components within electric and electric hybrid vehicle powertrains.

Ability and Skill:

  1. Identify, analyze, and formulate relationships related to electric power production and the operation of electric vehicles.
  2. Plan and perform basic calculations of electric power production and energy consumption for electric vehicles.
  3. Select and justify different solutions for renewable electricity production.
  4. Select and justify sustainable transportation options for both individuals and goods.
  5. Engage in national and international discussions on various aspects of renewable electricity production and sustainable transportation through reading, writing, presenting, and discussing reports and articles.

Assessment Formulation and Professional Attitude:

  1. Formulate assessments that include reflections on scientific, social, and ethical aspects, demonstrating an awareness of the ethical dimensions of research and development.
  2. Gain insight and understanding of the possibilities and limitations of technology, its role in society, and the ethical responsibilities associated with its use, considering social, economic, environmental, and health impacts.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to continue independent study and contribute to the advancement of society. 


To successfully complete the course, you are required to submit a course report (Max 7 A4-sized pages) summarising the results from all 6 assignment exercises, plus one page personal reflection of your study. The deadline for submitting the report is January 12, 2024.


Link to the course plan in Studieplan Links to an external site.