Course syllabus


TRA265 TRA265 Emissions from transportation lp2 HT23 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of M2

Contact details

Course purpose

Emissions to the environment is a big problem for climate and human health. Future engineers need to understand both the basic knowledge about different emissions and the interplay with society at large. The transport system is a complex system which grows in complexity together with technology. In order to prepare for a sustainable future, and for decreased emissions from transportation, we have developed a TRACKS-course, given since 2021. The TRACKS concept enables interdisciplinary collaboration in a new way (both for students and teachers).


The course is scheduled to block D (mainly tuesday morning and friday morning) , TimeEdit

Course literature

There is no course book, but reports, scientific journals will be used in the course and appointed at the different assignments.

Course design

The course is based on guest lectures and Q&A. Therefor, for presence is needed. You are expected to attend all lectures (at least 75%) but if you cannot attend, send me a mail and will will find a solution.

There will be one exercise connected to assignment 2 (LCA analysis) friday 10/11.

There will also be one lab (in groups) scheduled during sw 4 (Nov 20, 22, 23) approx 4 hours. Time slots will be posted on Canvas

There will be a project (in groups) on policy instruments, see more info on Canvas. The projects will be presented with Q&A and a report will be submitted.


Changes made since the last occasion

Just like the emissions from transportation in society, the course is constantly evolving. Some changes since last year include:

  • Formative assessment using quizzes as assignments
  • continued development using flipped classroom

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

Valid for all Tracks courses:

  • critically and creatively identify and/or formulate advanced architectural or engineering problems
  • master problems with open solutions spaces which includes to be able to handle uncertainties and limited information.
  • lead and participate in the development of new products, processes and systems using a holistic approach by following a design process and/or a systematic development process.
  • work in multidisciplinary teams and collaborate in teams with different compositions
  • show insights about cultural differences and to be able to work sensitively with them.
  • show insights about and deal with the impact of architecture and/or engineering solutions in a global, economic, environment and societal context.
  • identify ethical aspects and discuss and judge their consequences in relation to the specific problem
  • orally and in writing explain and discuss information, problems, methods, design/development processes and solutions
  • fulfill project specific learning outcomes
Course specific:
  • describe (and discuss) the difference between global emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O) and local emissions (CO, HC, NOX, PM)
  • describe (and discuss) the emissions from well-to-wheel and the implications on emissions related to land use, mineral extraction, use of transportation, global climate and health effects
  • describe (and discuss) the different emissions from different modes of transportation and their effect on global climate and health effects.
  • analyze (and critically reflect upon) one type of measurement technique, the pros and cons and the consequences for society
  • perform a multi-criteria analysis and to present and discuss the results during a seminar.
  • discuss (and reflect upon) the consequences of different system boundaries, lack of knowledge, Societal structure (laws and regulations, individual standpoint, etc) on emissions from transportation


Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

Examination form

The assessment are the 3 larger quizzes, the lab  and the project.

The final grade will be a weighted average of the 3 quizzes (~40%), the lab report (~15%) and the project (~45%). For the quizzes the sub-grade is: 40% correct for grade 3, 60% for grade 4 and 80% for grade 5).  

Course summary:

Date Details Due