Course syllabus

LEU744 LEU744 Computerbased control systems lp2 HT23 (7.5 hp)

The course is offered by the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences


2024-01-17: Now all projects are graded, by bad with not finding your submissions. If you disapprove of the grade you've got on the project, please contact me ASAP for a discussion.  Remeber that your final grade on the course is ROUND((grade(Assigment2)+grade(Assignment4))/2)

2024-01-13: One group has submitted and been graded for the Project (assignment 4). To the other two, please submit your project report and user manual as soon as you can, things don't get easier with procrastination! Remember to include your individual self-assessments in the project report.

2023-12-17: Sorry for non-clear instructions. Please submit the self-assessments from all in the group with the report and user manual in the assignment section here in CANVAS. 

2023-12-13: For those of you who hasnt already submitted, please submit the project report and the user manual before the end of the exam period in January. 

2023-12-13: All groups have now done the final acceptance test of the project successfully, great work everyone.  I will hence not be in Grundet/Tanken on the last scheduled days of this week. If you need to get in contact with me, you know how to!

2023-12-06: I am home sick Wednesday and Thursday this week (49) but i will come to unlock the door to Grundet for you in the morning.

2023-11-29: We will be in Tanken on Dec 14th before lunch rather than Grundet.  

2023-11-28:  The protocol of the mid-term course evaluation meeting can be found here

2023-11-15: On the 14th of November we had a schedule clash resulting in a shortage of PLCs in Grundet. I am sorry for that and I have tried to arrange for no such a clash in the future. Hence the slot on Friday the 24th morning will be moved to Monday the 20th  13-17, meaning that we will have the entire day from 8-17 in the lab. 

2023-11-11: For assignment 2, please use the same PLC and screen (IP numbers) pair throughout the assignment.

2023-11-06: Lectures ( assignment tutorials) are planned for Mondays at 8:15 on the 13/11, Mo 20/11, and Mo 4/12 all in Grundet. These times may be changed if needed.

2023-11-02: Please sign up in the "Pair" groups here in CANVAS if you haven't done it yet.

2023-10-27: The course representatives are :

TISJL    Adam ErikssonTISJL Johanna Perryd Mattsson


Contact details

Examiner and Teacher Fredrik Bruzelius

Course purpose

The overall aim of this course is to, based on previous courses, provide the student with in-depth knowledge of control and monitoring of processes using modern computerized systems. Furthermore, it provides insight into modern communication between devices in distributed control and monitoring systems. A parallel aim is to give students a foundation in project implementation and training in setting up criteria, and organizing and carrying out projects.

Learning to develop automation systems is impossible without practical experience. This course is therefore a practical course where you develop control in a project and in various assignments. Throughout the course, you will work together with one partner, and you two will do assignments and the project together. In the project you will also collaborate with three other pairs, forming a project team of 8 persons. 

The central theme in the course is automation: to an external site.. Wikipedia divides automation into feedback control (reglerteknik) and logical control. The focus in this course is on logical control, but some aspects of feedback control will also be included.



Course literature

The literature will be available via Canvas or online. 

Course design

The central activity in the course is the tasks. There will be some introductory lectures, but the main part of classroom time is in the lab hall (Tanken&Grundet).  The labs are organized as,

  • Demonstrate and hand in the Codesys assignments in pairs
    • Study week 2 - Elevator based on the Codesys introduction
    • Study week 4 - Elevator and doors (also graded)
    • Study week 6 - Blackbox PID control
  • Demo sessions of the project in the bigger group
    • Study week 7 - Final acceptance test as a project
  • Written project report
    • Exam week - The written report and user manual
  • Individual hand in
    • An assessment and self-evaluation, where you describe your part in the project work, pair work, and your view of the other group members.

A missed deadline might imply extra tasks for approval. Revisions of the report are expected to be handed in within a week.

Changes made since the last occasion

The course is unchanged from last year.

Learning objectives and syllabus

- Be able to design a simplified distributed computer-based control system, which means controlling using several connected industrial control systems (PLCs) and user interfaces
- Provide examples of challenges in the development, troubleshooting, and maintenance of distributed computer-based control system
- Be able to apply agile project methods to handle a major development task in project form
- Explain the necessity of structured and reusable control functions
- Be able to develop structured and reusable control functions
- Explain and apply different control principles for distributed computer-based control systems, such as feedback control, sequential control, and combinatorial and logical control
- Explain the basics of communication between different control systems, sensors, and actuators, to upper-level systems, and to user interfaces.
- Provide examples of design principles for user interface and manual control
- Provide examples of important sections required in user manuals
-Provide examples of  maintenance principles for a computer system due to a ship's system


Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

Examination form

There is no written exam in the course. The course is examined through the tasks. All mandatory tasks must be completed to pass the course. The grade is computed based on the main deliverables:


Assignment1: Codesys elevator, study week 2: Pass, Not pass
Assignment2: Elevator and UI, study week 4: grading:  TH - Five, Four, Three, Not passed
Assignment2: Self-assessment, study week 4: Pass, Not pass 
Assignment3: PID-control: grading:  Pass, Not passed
Assignment4: Final project demo: grading:  TH - Five, Four, Three, Not passed
Assignment4: Report: grading:  Pass, Not passed

The final grade is computed based on the following formula (with round half up):

(Grade(Assignment2) + grade(Assignment4 )) / 2

Course summary:

Date Details Due