Course syllabus

Welcome to Computer Communication

Computer networks are becoming an inherent and increasingly important part of many technical areas today. This course focuses on the parts of data communication that practicing engineers normally will encounter in their daily work. It is a basic course which offers an introductory presentation of data communication and computer networks.

You find the courses syllabi, including the learning outcomes, here: LEU062, EDA344, DIT423


  • Lectures are carried out in the classrooms as scheduled in TimeEdit. Slides are published normally before the lecture in the Lectures Module
  • Exercises sessions are held by PhD TAs and include Q&A sessions where you can get direct help in solving the exercises.
    Solution hints will be published, but they will not be sufficient for self-study. You must visit the classroom sessions to understand the exercises.
    The sessions take place once per week and course-code (i.e. one for EDA344/DIT423 and one for LEU062). The exercises are published in the Exercise Module.
  • Labs: The lab-assignments are done in groups of 2-3 students. You are requested to do a pre-test before you can start the lab. The labs can partly be carried out "from home". There is one lab session per week and course-code (i.e. one for EDA344/DIT423 and one for LEU062). During the lab sessions, you can get support in solving the labs by TAs. The labs are published in the Lab Module.
  • Quizzes: The quizzes are interactive exercises for your self-assessment. You can check with them how well you have understood the material of the lectures and exercises. They will be published alongside the lecture slides in the  Lectures Module.
  • You are not required to go to the exercise or lab session of your course code. If it is more convenient for you to visit another session, that is fine. The sessions are mostly identical.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Deadlines
week 3 (15/01, 10.00-11.45) L1 Intro 1/2, (17/01, 10.00-11.45) L2 Intro 2/2 Sign-Up for a Lab Group
Sunday, 21/01, 23:59
week 4
(22/01, 10.00-11.45) L3 App Layer (24/01, 10.00-11.45) L4 Transport 1/2, (25/01) EDA/DIT, 10.00:
App Layer
(25/01) LEU, 13.15:
App Layer
week 5
(29/01, 10.00-11.45) L5 Transport 2/2 (31/01, 10.00-11.45) L6 NW Data Plane, (01/02) EDA/DIT, 10.00:
Transport Layer
(02/02) LEU, 08.15:
Transport Layer
Sunday, 04/02, 23:59
(29/01, 13.15-16.00) Lab1, EDA/DIT (31/01, 13.15-16.00) Lab1, LEU
week 6
(05/02, 10.00-11.45) L7 NW Control Plane (06/02, 09.15-12.00) Lab2, LEU
(08/02) EDA/DIT, 10.00:
Network Layer
(09/02) LEU, 13.15:
Network Layer
Sunday, 11/02, 23:59
(05/02, 13.15-16.00) Lab2, EDA/DIT
week 7
(12/02, 10.00-11.45) L8 Link Layer 1/2 (online!) (14/02, 10.00-11.45) L9 Link Layer 2/2 (online!) (15/02) LEU, 8.15:
Link Layer
Lab1 Resubmission,
Sunday, 18/02, 23:59
(12/02, 13.15-16.00) Lab3-4, EDA/DIT
Merged Lab 3&4
(15/02) EDA/DIT, 10.00:
Link Layer
(16/02, 13.15-16.00) Lab3-4, LEU
Merged Lab 3&4
week 8
(19/02, 10.00-11.45) L10 Evolving Networking 1/2 (21/02, 10.00-11.45) L11 Evolving Networking 2/2 (22/02) LEU 08.15:
SDN + Review
(23/02, 09:15-12.00) Lab5, LEU
Lab5 Rec. Submission
Lab2 Resubmission,

Sunday 25/02, 23:59
(19/02, 13.15-16.00) Lab5, EDA/DIT (22/02)EDA/DIT, 10.00:
SDN + Review
week 9
(26/02, 10.00-11.45) L12 Wireless (28/02, 10.00-11.45) L13 Security and Safety (29/02) EDA/DIT 10.00:
Wireless + Security + complementary-Review
No lab / Reserve Slot
Lab3-4 Resubmission,

Sunday, 03/03, 23:59
No lab / Reserve Slot (28/02) LEU 13:15:
Wireless + Security + complementary-Review
week 10 (04/03, 10.00-11.45) L14  / Guest Lecture (06/03, 10.00-11.45) L15 Summary Lab5 Resubmission,
Sunday, 10/03, 23:59
week 11 EXAM WEEK
Legend Lecture Exercise Laboratorium Deadline

Exam: Wed 2024-03-13, Re-Exams: Tue 2024-05-28, Mon 2024-08-19 <- Without guarantee. Check your exam dates here.


Examiners, Course Coordinators and Main Lecturers:

Marina Papatriantafilou EDA344 / DIT423
Hans-Martin Heyn LEU062

Teacher assistants and supervisors (assignment-related questions):

Roman Melnik Research Engineer Johanneberg Campus
Victor Wallsten Research Engineer Lindholmen Campus
Martin Hilgendorf PhD Candidate, Responsible for exercises
Stavroula Zouzoula PhD Candidate, Responsible for exercises

Student assistants (lab supervision and assistances, first contact for lab-related questions):

Simon Andersson
Axel Nilsson
Max Vallin Ek  
Johan Vallander

Course Student Representatives EDA344 / DIT423 / LEU062

Rima Safady

Omar Sulaiman

Erik Ulfung Arnbom

Tobias Borglund

Tim Persson

Changes from previous instance (VT23, LP3):

  • Created a "Path to Pass" track for students to continuously receive hints on necessary readings and exercises;
  • Created a bonus-point scheme where students earn points towards the exam through interactive elements in the exercises and lectures;
  • Solved the scheduling conflict of LEU062 and DAT495;
  • Merged Labs 3 & 4 to create more time for the students for exam preparations at the end of the course;
  • Created more detailed solutions for exercises, however reminding the students that those solutions alone will still not be sufficient for self-study without visiting the exercise sessions.


Course summary:

Date Details Due