Course syllabus


KMG050 KMG050 Cell and molecular biology 2 lp3 VT24 (4.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Life Sciences

Contact details

Research professor Verena Siewers, examiner. Contact: e-mail to

Assistant professor Annikka Polster. Contact: e-mail to

Dr Santosh Pandit. Contact: e-mail to

Course purpose

The aim of this course, a follow-up to UCM010, is to complete the training of students of the TKBIO program in molecular and cellular biology, by focusing specifically on phenomena related to multi-cellularity.


The course will cover the molecular mechanisms that are a basis for multi-cellularity. The lectures will treat the following topics: transcriptional regulation and signaling networks as a basis for multi-cellular behavior, modes of communication among cells, mechanisms of cell adhesion, developmental programs for building a multi-cellular organism, different types of tissues with their structure and function, the functioning of the immune system and evolution of multicellularity. The mini-conference will cover additional topics.


Please see table in course-PM for details.


Course literature

Below is the list of reading material that you are expected to study for the examination. For every topic treated in the lectures, the MBoC Chapter/pages are defined.

The official course literature is the textbook Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBoC), Alberts et al. 7th edition. In addition, official course literature are also the review articles distributed to the students for the mini-conference.

Lecture 1: Introduction

PAGES: No specific pages, this topic/lecture is a repetition of your previous knowledge – things you are expected to know from the previous courses, mainly UCM010.

Lecture 2: Transcriptional regulation and cell communication in Bacteria

PAGES: Transcriptional regulation is a revision of concepts from UCM010. For bacterial communication no specific reading pages - use the lecture slides. If something is unclear, ask the teacher for additional clarifications.

Lecture 3: Cell communication in Eukarya, based on Chapter 15

PAGES from Chapter 15, MBoC 7th edition:

873-899, 908-909, 911-920, 935-938

Lecture 4: Cell Junctions, Cell Adhesion, and the Extracellular Matrix, based on Chapter 19

PAGES from Chapter 19, MBoC 7th edition:

1105-1123, 1127-1135, 1141-1144, 1147-1151  

Lecture 5: Development of multicellular organisms, based on Chapter 21

Chapter 21, MBoC 7th edition,

Especially PAGES: 1217-1247, 1248-55, 1259, 1260

Lecture 6: Stem Cells and Tissue Renewal, based on Chapter 22

Chapter 22, MBoC 7th edition,

Especially PAGES: 1279-1296

Lecture 7: Pathogens, infection and immune system, based on Chapters 23 and 24

Chapter 23, MBoC 7th edition,

Especially PAGES: 1313-1325, 1341-46

Chapter 24, MBoC 7th edition,

Especially PAGES: 1353-1401

Course design


The course contains lectures, which cover topics from the textbook Molecular Biology of the Cell, Alberts et al., 7th Edition. The objective of lectures is to highlight important topics and clarify the content of the exam material – the textbook. Several final lectures are dedicated to revising the knowledge and practicing for the exam. Lecture attendance is not compulsory. The course also contains a mini-conference, in which students work in groups. Groups of students will work with given scientific literature to prepare a public presentation for their colleagues. Students will also be expected to question and evaluate presentations given by other students. Participation in group work and mini-conferences is compulsory. The materials are in English, and the teaching will be carried out in English.

Mini conference

The mini conference is a group assignment and consists of four scheduled sessions. In the mini-conference, your group will prepare a presentation (15 minutes) and deliver it to the class. Reading material will be provided (available in Canvas). You will also act as opponent on another group’s presentation in order to train you in discussing and assessing science. The purpose of this student-centered activity is to teach you how to read, understand, present, and discuss scientific literature. The exercise is graded and contributes to the mark of the final exam. Participation in the mini conference is compulsory. Detailed information and instructions will be provided.

Changes made since the last occasion

Grading system for mini-conference and exam has been changed. 

Learning objectives and syllabus

After completion of this course, the students are expected to gain a theoretical knowledge of the exam material from the textbook and the mini-conference literature, i.e. they are expected to have active knowledge of the main molecular mechanisms and cellular structures covered in the course. This active knowledge should be demonstrable as ability to describe or list the components of the relevant regulatory or signaling pathways or cellular structures and explain how they function. In addition, students will be expected to understand basic molecular biology experimental approaches encountered in the course, and to solve problems based on such experimental data. The learning objective of the mini conference, in addition to the standard learning objectives listed above, is to train students in reading, understanding, presenting, and discussing scientific literature. The mini conference also trains students in giving public scientific presentations and in participating in public debate.

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

Examination form

Exam dates: 15 Mar, 7 Jun, 27 Aug 2024.

The maximum total number of points a student can score for the entire course is 100%. Up to 10% can be scored for the work on the mini-conference. Up to 90% can be scored in the final written exam. Both the mini-conference and the exam points are added, and the total number defines the final grade.

The final grade is given as follows:

< 50% U

50-69% 3

70-89% 4

90-100% 5

Grading of the mini-conference: The mini-conference is graded between 0-10. The topics covered in the mini-conference are also covered in the final written exam, typically as questions corresponding to up to 10% of the final score.

Rules for the written exam:

  • Questions in the written exam are in English, and thus it is allowed to have a dictionary at the exam. Students are allowed to write their answers in Swedish, if they prefer.
  • Other materials such as notes, lecture slides, books, computers and other paper or electronic items and devices that can store large amounts of information are NOT allowed during the examination. Simple calculators with a memory function are acceptable.
  • There are no negative points and it is possible to get partial points for written answers.

After the exam: students can pick up their exam by making an appointment with the department administrator Christoffer Olsson ( If the students wish to discuss the exam or their grades with the examiner, they need to make a separate appointment by e-mail (

Course summary:

Date Details Due