Course syllabus

MMS135 Mekanik 1 lp3 VT24 (6 hp)

Dept of Mechanics and Maritime Science


English (lectures, exercises)

Swedish (book, questions)

Exam is formulated both in Swedish and English



Main teacher:  


    • Lars Davidson
    • Dario Maggiolo

Exercise teacher:  


Student representatives

Jonathan Allgurén, Ronja Andersson , Arvid Forseth, Melker Norum, Tom Peleg


Course aim

  • Provide the ability to solve concrete mechanical problems by formulating mathematical models based on basic laws, solving corresponding mathematical problems and then assessing the reasonableness of both model and solution.
  • Prepare for studies in related subjects such as hållfasthetslära, maskinelement, konstruktionsteknik och tillverkningsteknik, as well as for further courses in mechanics.
  • Provide the necessary basis for communication, on matters relating to mechanics, with engineers of other educational backgrounds.

See further course Studieplan



Se TimeEdit


Course literature

  • Book: Mekanik, av Ragnar Grahn,  Per-Åke Jansson och Mikael Enelund. ISBN: 9789144116594. Fjärde upplagan. Studentlitteratur 2018.
  • Help book (it can be used at the exam): Formelsamling i mekanik, M.M. Japp. In the course website, download here: MMJapp


Course material

<< See Modules !


Course structure



Book Chapt.





Week 3
(Läsvecka 1)

Lecture 1

I, 1.1,

1.2 (a-b)

Introduction & the geometry of forces

Exercise Session 1

1.7, 12, 14, 16

1.1, 8, 11, 13

Lecture 2

1.2 (c-e), 1.3

The geometry of forces

Exercise Session 2

1.24, 36, 48, 58

1.17, 19, 23ab, 37, 39ab, 40, 46, 51, 57, 65

Week 4
(Läsvecka 2)

Lecture 3

2.1, 2.2 (a-d), 2.3


Exercise Session 3

2.20, 21, 72, 77

2.3a, 7c, 4, 5,7ab,16abcf, 18, 26de, 33, 34, 43, 45, 65, 70, 72, 84

Lecture 4


Center of mass

Exercise Session 4

3.6, 13, 19, 24

3.3, 5, 7, 21a




Book Chapt.





Vecka 5

(Läsvecka 3)

Lecture 5

4.1(a) – (b)


Exercise Session 5

4.15, 23, 26, 32

4.1cd, 7a, 21a

Lecture 6

5.1, 5.2

Particle kinematics

Exercise Session 6

5.11, 23, 41, 49

5.5, 5.6, 15, 17, 18, 32, 36, 44, 45, 51

Vecka 6

(Läsvecka 4)

Lecture 7

6.1, 6.2

Particle kinetics Newton's laws

Exercise Session 7

6.16, 42, 62, 84

6.2, 7, 12, 29, 43

Lecture 8

6.4 (a)

Oscillatory motion & introduction to numerical exercise

Exercise Session 8

6.46, 85, 93, 169

6.56, 62, 76, 86




Book Chapt.





Vecka 7

(Läsvecka 5)

Numerical exercise / Session 1

Numerical Exercise

Numerical exercise / Session 3


Numerical Exercise

Numerical exercise / Session 2

- Neumrical Exercise

Numerical exercise / Session 4


Numerical Exercise

Week 8

(Läsvecka 6)

Lecture 9

6.3(a) – (c)

Particle kinetics energy laws

Exercise Session 9


6.111, 113, 125


6.106, 110, 114, 120, 125, 126, 138

Lecture 10

6.3(d) – (e)

Particle kinetics momentum laws

Exercise Session 10

6.130, 149, 153

6.151, 152, 157, 158de, 159










Vecka 9

(Läsvecka 7)

Förel 11

7.1, 7.2

Systems of particles centre of mass and energy laws

Exercise Session 11

7.11, 12, 15, 17

7.1, 9, 20

Förel 12 7.3

System of particles momentum laws

Exercise Session 12

7.32, 37, 44, 49

7.29, 32, 46, 51

Week 10

(Läsvecka 8)

Lecture 13

10.2  Collisions

Exercise Session 13

10.29, 31, 43, 47

10.42, 48

Lecture 14

Old exam solved

Exercise Session 14

Old exam solved



Learning objectives

  • be able to understand and use scalars, vectors, and the mathematical operations among them
  • be able to explain the meaning and the concept of physical quantity, its dimension and unit
  • be able to perform a dimensional analysis and assess the reasonableness of the answers
  • be able to explain the concepts of force and moment and to calculate the moment with respect to a point or an axis
  • be able to reduce an arbitrary system of forces to an equivalent system
  • be able to explain the meaning of the concepts of equilibrium and conditions of equilibrium
  • be able to draw the free body diagram within a material system while set up and solve equilibrium equations
  • be able to explain the meaning of statically determined and statically indeterminate structure, and which of the latter applies to a given construction
  • be able to explain the meaning of center of mass and center of gravity while determining their position for geometrically simple bodies
  • be able to explain the concepts of static and kinetic friction, friction conditions, and solve static problems with friction
  • be able to apply the relationships between position, velocity and acceleration in linear and two-dimensional curvilinear motion
  • be able to apply Newton's 2nd law to problems with particles in linear or curvilinear motion
  • understand the meaning of the terms work, kinetic energy, potential energy and conservative force as well as the connections between them; also, to be able to apply energy considerations to solve dynamic problem for particles
  • be able to solve problems when momentum or angular momentum for a particle or system of particles is conserved
  • be able to solve simple problems with free oscillations (numerical exercise)


  • The examination consists of a written exam (4.5 credits) and a calculation task (1.5 credits)
  • Final grade is the same as the grade obtained on the exam
  • For the final grade on the course, a passed exam + a passed numerical exericse is required
  • The exam is conducted as a written classroom exam