Course syllabus
MMS135 Mekanik 1 lp3 VT24 (6 hp)
Dept of Mechanics and Maritime Science
English (lectures, exercises)
Swedish (book, questions)
Exam is formulated both in Swedish and English
Main teacher:
- Dario Maggiolo (
- Lars Davidson
- Dario Maggiolo
Exercise teacher:
- Maria Thoma (
Student representatives
Jonathan Allgurén, Ronja Andersson , Arvid Forseth, Melker Norum, Tom Peleg
Course aim
- Provide the ability to solve concrete mechanical problems by formulating mathematical models based on basic laws, solving corresponding mathematical problems and then assessing the reasonableness of both model and solution.
- Prepare for studies in related subjects such as hållfasthetslära, maskinelement, konstruktionsteknik och tillverkningsteknik, as well as for further courses in mechanics.
- Provide the necessary basis for communication, on matters relating to mechanics, with engineers of other educational backgrounds.
See further course Studieplan
Se TimeEdit
Course literature
- Book: Mekanik, av Ragnar Grahn, Per-Åke Jansson och Mikael Enelund. ISBN: 9789144116594. Fjärde upplagan. Studentlitteratur 2018.
- Help book (it can be used at the exam): Formelsamling i mekanik, M.M. Japp. In the course website, download here: MMJapp
Course material
<< See Modules !
Course structure
Week |
Lecture |
Book Chapt.
Subject |
Salsproblem |
Hemproblem |
Week 3
Lecture 1 |
I, 1.1, 1.2 (a-b) |
Introduction & the geometry of forces |
Exercise Session 1 |
1.7, 12, 14, 16 |
1.1, 8, 11, 13 |
Lecture 2 |
1.2 (c-e), 1.3 |
The geometry of forces |
Exercise Session 2 |
1.24, 36, 48, 58 |
1.17, 19, 23ab, 37, 39ab, 40, 46, 51, 57, 65 |
Week 4 |
Lecture 3 |
2.1, 2.2 (a-d), 2.3 |
Equilibrium |
Exercise Session 3 |
2.20, 21, 72, 77 |
2.3a, 7c, 4, 5,7ab,16abcf, 18, 26de, 33, 34, 43, 45, 65, 70, 72, 84 |
Lecture 4 |
3 |
Center of mass |
Exercise Session 4 |
3.6, 13, 19, 24 |
3.3, 5, 7, 21a |
Week |
Lecture |
Book Chapt. |
Subject |
Exercise |
Salsproblem |
Hemproblem |
Vecka 5 (Läsvecka 3) |
Lecture 5 |
4.1(a) – (b) |
Friction |
Exercise Session 5 |
4.15, 23, 26, 32 |
4.1cd, 7a, 21a |
Lecture 6 |
5.1, 5.2 |
Particle kinematics |
Exercise Session 6 |
5.11, 23, 41, 49 |
5.5, 5.6, 15, 17, 18, 32, 36, 44, 45, 51 |
Vecka 6 (Läsvecka 4) |
Lecture 7 |
6.1, 6.2 |
Particle kinetics Newton's laws |
Exercise Session 7 |
6.16, 42, 62, 84 |
6.2, 7, 12, 29, 43 |
Lecture 8 |
6.4 (a) |
Oscillatory motion & introduction to numerical exercise |
Exercise Session 8 |
6.46, 85, 93, 169 |
6.56, 62, 76, 86 |
Week |
Lecture |
Book Chapt. |
Innehåll |
Exercise |
Salsproblem |
Hemproblem |
Vecka 7 (Läsvecka 5) |
Numerical exercise / Session 1 |
- |
Numerical Exercise |
Numerical exercise / Session 3 |
- |
Numerical Exercise |
Numerical exercise / Session 2 |
- | Neumrical Exercise |
Numerical exercise / Session 4 |
- |
Numerical Exercise |
Week 8 (Läsvecka 6) |
Lecture 9 |
6.3(a) – (c) |
Particle kinetics energy laws |
Exercise Session 9 |
6.111, 113, 125
6.106, 110, 114, 120, 125, 126, 138 |
Lecture 10 |
6.3(d) – (e) |
Particle kinetics momentum laws |
Exercise Session 10 |
6.130, 149, 153 |
6.151, 152, 157, 158de, 159 |
Vecka |
Föreläsning |
Kursboken |
Innehåll |
Räkneövning |
Salsproblem |
Hemproblem |
Vecka 9 (Läsvecka 7) |
Förel 11 |
7.1, 7.2 |
Systems of particles centre of mass and energy laws |
Exercise Session 11 |
7.11, 12, 15, 17 |
7.1, 9, 20 |
Förel 12 | 7.3 |
System of particles momentum laws |
Exercise Session 12 |
7.32, 37, 44, 49 |
7.29, 32, 46, 51 |
Week 10 (Läsvecka 8) |
Lecture 13 |
10.2 | Collisions |
Exercise Session 13 |
10.29, 31, 43, 47 |
10.42, 48 |
Lecture 14 |
- |
Old exam solved |
Exercise Session 14 |
Old exam solved |
- |
Learning objectives
- be able to understand and use scalars, vectors, and the mathematical operations among them
- be able to explain the meaning and the concept of physical quantity, its dimension and unit
- be able to perform a dimensional analysis and assess the reasonableness of the answers
- be able to explain the concepts of force and moment and to calculate the moment with respect to a point or an axis
- be able to reduce an arbitrary system of forces to an equivalent system
- be able to explain the meaning of the concepts of equilibrium and conditions of equilibrium
- be able to draw the free body diagram within a material system while set up and solve equilibrium equations
- be able to explain the meaning of statically determined and statically indeterminate structure, and which of the latter applies to a given construction
- be able to explain the meaning of center of mass and center of gravity while determining their position for geometrically simple bodies
- be able to explain the concepts of static and kinetic friction, friction conditions, and solve static problems with friction
- be able to apply the relationships between position, velocity and acceleration in linear and two-dimensional curvilinear motion
- be able to apply Newton's 2nd law to problems with particles in linear or curvilinear motion
- understand the meaning of the terms work, kinetic energy, potential energy and conservative force as well as the connections between them; also, to be able to apply energy considerations to solve dynamic problem for particles
- be able to solve problems when momentum or angular momentum for a particle or system of particles is conserved
- be able to solve simple problems with free oscillations (numerical exercise)
- The examination consists of a written exam (4.5 credits) and a calculation task (1.5 credits)
- Final grade is the same as the grade obtained on the exam
- For the final grade on the course, a passed exam + a passed numerical exericse is required
- The exam is conducted as a written classroom exam