Course syllabus


TEK960 Technology innovation and compliance lp4 VT24 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Technology Management and Economics


Examiner Ulf Petrusson (

Course leader Christoffer Hermansson (

Course leader Anna Holmberg Borkmann (

Course Administrator Carina Jogevik (



The purpose of the course is to give the student the skills and tools necessary to create and manage strategies for open innovation and network-based markets from both a technology development and commercialization perspective.

Learning outcomes

  1. Define and explain the basic characteristics of open knowledge platforms and how they can contribute to establish and develop knowledge exchange.

  2. Explain and critically discuss how to establish, develop and manage controlled openness in collaboration.

  3. Explain and critically discuss how open innovation processes in public-private collaboration can generate societal values.

  4. Identify and implement de facto and formal standards as part of marketing and business strategies.

  5. On legal basis construct and manage intellectual property as building blocks for standards and open knowledge- and innovation platforms.

  6. Design and manage structural control of collaborative- and market structures based on open innovation processes and standards.

  7. Evaluate how open innovation models and strategies forms a basis for the creation, development and management of knowledge-based business and utilization processes



The purpose of the course is to give students a theoretical and practical understanding to be able to define, establish and design business and utilization strategies for open innovation. The course focuses on the identification, development and distribution of knowledge as a key resource for value creation, as well as identifying various business logics and value creation models where individual and collective knowledge generates value and strong positions in network-based collaboration and network structures.


The teaching is conducted through lectures and seminars with a focus on theoretical knowledge in combination with practical understanding, for example, case studies and exchange of experience with guest lecturers from relevant areas. The case studies are based on different models of open innovation processes and utilization processes in which students work in interdisciplinary study groups.




There examination is based upon two team-based assignments and a final individual assignment. Also, there is mandatory attendance on presentation seminars (minimum half of the presentation).

Examination Activities

Points (max)


Case 1A, group work, written hand in


April 12th

Case 2A, group work, written hand in


May 13th

Case 2B, individual work, written hand-in


May 29th

Participation presentation Case 1A


April 11th

Participation presentation Case 2A


May 6th

SUM (max)





The seminars are given by individuals from Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg, and guest lecturers with theoretical knowledge and practical experience within open innovation, network markets, and digital platforms. Attendance at the seminars is highly recommended, as most of the seminars will cover material that is not found in the course literature and will be needed to accomplish the assignments. Active participation by the students is critical to the learning experience.


Group Assignments

The group assignments will be done in interdisciplinary teams and in collaboration as follows:


  1. Assessment and governance of a research-based innovation


  1. Management of a technology-based firm



Individual Assignment

The second assignment industry case (Management of a technology-based firm) will be further developed individually into a final individual delivery (labelled 2B, see table above)



The grading scale for the course is as follows:

0-39%% = U/F

40-59%% = 3


80%> = 5


To receive a grade, the student must pass all the examination parts of the course.






Arthur, W. Brian. The Nature of Technology – What it is and how it evolves. Penguin Books.

Petrusson, U. (2015) Research and utilization. (will be published on Canvas).  Title of Swedish first edition: “Forskning och Nytta” (Tre Böcker Förlag AB, Göteborg, Sweden, 2015).

Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm. Oxford. 2006.


Literature posted on Canvas page including:

Articles and documents

Compilation of articles

Compilation of public documents, legal acts, preparatory works etc.




See Timeedit for slots and location For detailed information see folder files - course admin or link here. Due to the collaboration with the law course HRS087 Innovation Law (15hp) at University of Gothenburg a number of guest lectures are also provided outside the Chalmes block schedule. The purpose with said lectures are to add on practical perspectives from practitioners closely linked to the the education. This is also an opportunity for students to interact and with practitioners in the relevant field. 


Course evaluation

The course will be evaluated upon completion. The results of the evaluation will be

communicated to the students and will function as a guide for the development of the course.


The student representatives for the course are below - please convey your comments to

them to be included in the formal course evaluation meetings: tbd



Please post all the course-related questions on the course's page on Canvas or contact

Christoffer Hermansson (



Course summary:

Date Details Due