Course syllabus


EEN205 EEN205 Rehabilitation engineering lp4 VT24 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Electrical Engineering

Contact details

Student Representatives

Course purpose

This course introduces technologies for helping people with sensory and motor disabilities to regain functions. The course also presents methods to evaluate and monitor the impairment as well as the functional improvement due to the application of such technologies.



Date Topic Teacher
240316 Introduction to Rehabilitation Silvia Muceli
240320 Assessment Silvia Muceli
240322 Functional Electrical Stimulation Strahinja Došen


FES therapy

Erika Spaich
240409-11 Kinematics and dynamics Emmanuel Dean
240412 Prosthesis - Technology Cristina Piazza
240416 Prosthesis - Control Silvia Muceli
240418 Prosthesis - Sensory feedback Giacomo Valle
240419-22 Medical device development Hana Dobšíček Trefná
240525 Interfaces Silvia Muceli
240426 Brain-Computer Interfaces Dario Farina
240502 Pathological tremor suppression José L. Pons
240503 Revision lecture Silvia Muceli
240507 Revision lecture Silvia Muceli
240514 Upper limb reconstruction surgery Lina Bunketorp Käll
240516 Hearing aids Bo Håkansson
240517 Modelling the neuromuscular system for human robot interaction Massimo Sartori
240521 Microwave imaging for muscle rupture detection  Laura Guerrero Orozco


Course literature

No textbook is required for this course. The slides and corresponding papers will be provided during the course.

Course design

The course includes

  • lectures held by the examiner and international scientists
  • implementation of a project (facilitated by Hoor and Silvia)

Material will be posted in Canvas.

Changes made since the last occasion

This is the first time the course is offered.

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

- Acquire knowledge on the sensory and motor systems.

- Analyze the state of the art in rehabilitation engineering both in clinical and research settings.
- Design technologies to help disable individuals to regain sensory and motor functions and compare those technologies to the state of the art.

Study plan

Examination form

Mandatory: written exam (25 multiple choice quizzes, 4 choices, 1 point per question)

Final grade U 3 4 5
Points <14 14-17 18-21 22-25

No material is allowed during the exam

Mandatory: project (in teams, report + presentation)


Course summary:

Date Details Due