Course syllabus

DAT038/DIT182 Datastrukturer och algoritmer (7.5 hp)

LP2, autumn 2024

Data structures and algorithms are fundamental building blocks in almost all software products. Knowledge of data abstraction, data structures, and algorithms is important in the construction, use, and maintenance of adaptable, reusable, and efficient program components.

The course gives knowledge and skills in the construction and use of data structures and algorithmic concepts, and gives an introduction to algorithm analysis and data abstraction.

General course information

Teachers and student representatives

Student representatives:

  • TKDAT: Martin Martinsson (CID martmar), Simon Renhult (CID renhult), Shawn Wang (CID shawnw), Emily Tiberg (CID emilyti)
  • TKTEM: Alanja Norinder (CID alanja), Matilda Bragde Pettersson (CID bragdem)
  • TKMAS: Hanna Lockley (CID lockley)
  • TKMED: Emma Bodin (CID emmabod)
  • TKTFY: Chelsea Starfrost (CID hasseli), Stella Brenden Linna (CID brenden)

To contact a student representative, email


The course has three kinds of scheduled things:

  • Lectures: Mondays 15–17, Tuesdays 15–17, Fridays 8–10
  • Exercise sessions: Tuesdays 10–12
  • Supervision sessions: Mondays 9–12, Wednesdays 13–16, Thursdays 13–16, Fridays 13–16

Here are more information about the schedule:

Quizzes and exercises

There are nine compulsory quizzes, 1–2 per course week! You can try them how many times you like, but you have to pass all of them. If you get stuck you can ask a teacher for help.

Note: The idea was to have 1 quiz per week, but it's not possible to merge quizzes in Canvas, so some of them are split in two separate quizzes. That's why there's a quiz called 1 and another 1+: both of them are compulsory.

Lab assignments

It is of utmost importance that you start working on the labs early! So read the information in the links carefully, and make sure to get GitLab to work on your own computer. Already the first course week!

Written examination

The written exam is Thursday 16 January 14:00–18:00. 

Passing the course

  • To pass the course you need to pass all 4 laborations, submit all the quizzes, and pass the written examination.
  • The final grade is the same as the grade on the written examination.


Course summary:

Date Details Due