MVE080 / MMG640 Scientific visualization
Course PM
MVE080/MMG640 course in scientific visualisation.
Your student representatives:
Jakob Bergman
Andreas Helgesson
Jacob Ljungmark
Lean Tong Ng
Contact details:
Sviatlana Shashkova (
Linde Viaene (
In this course you will learn about various concepts, techniques, and tools for visualisation of scientific data in 2 dimensions. The GU course code is MMG640. The Chalmers course code is MVE080. The schedule of the course is in TimeEdit - just search for the course code. Monday lectures will be given in the Euler lecture room; Wednesday computer labs and lectures will take place in the computer rooms MV:F22, 24-25.
The course is based on the online book Fundamentals of Data Visualization by Claus O. Wilke, the on-line ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis by Hadley Wickham and a review article The science of visual data communication: What works by Franconeri et al. We will use the grammar of graphics Python library plotnine, which is based on ggplot2. Hence when googling for help, you can search for both ggplot and plotnine.
After each lecture, the slides, code used to produce some visuals, and relevant datasets will be uploaded.
Weekly homework should be completed within two weeks (the last one within one week) which includes both attempts. I suggest to aim to hand the first attempt in ASAP, so that there is enough time to check your file and for you to correct it. If you need more time, let Linde (and me) know. The final version of the final homework should be submitted by December 11, 23:59.
Preliminary course outline (modified throughout the course):
*Computer lab: each Wednesday 08:00-09:45
It is not allowed to use ChatGPT or any other large language model to directly answer any of the questions. Large language models can be excellent tools, e.g. for editing text (which you are allowed to do), but using them to directly answer a question is bad practice, as i) you do not learn anything, and ii) these models are often incorrect - and confidently reporting an incorrect answer is unprofessional. Any direct usage of ChatGPT to answer questions will be considered cheating and reported. In summary, you are allowed to use ChatGPT or similar models for text editing or to help with coding, but, you are responsible to ensure correctness of your answers.
- Monday 2024-11-04 13:15 - 15:00 : Course introduction ()
Relevant links:
Python basics tutorial
NumPy for MATLAB users
The Anaconda Python distribution - I recommend you install Anaconda for Python3.11. For plotnine to work you must use Python 3.11.
Jupyter Notebook basics
Download VS Code - A good editor with support for notebooks
The correct environment (Python version and package version) can be recreated from this yml-file: MVE080.yml. If you have correctly installed Jupyter Notebooks and plotnine you will be able to run the following notebook : Hello_MVE080-1.ipynb
Lecture 1 slides Lecture 1 Introduction.pdf
- Wednesday 2024-11-06 10:00-11:45 : Visualising amounts and distributions ()
Lecture 2 slides Lecture 2 Amounts.pdf
Operating system dataset : mobile_os_market_share.csv
Median lifespan data : Life_tidy.csv Life_tidy-1.csv
Weather data for Gothenburg : Weather_tidy-1.csv
The non summary winter dataset : Winter_vås.csv
Weather data for Västerås : Winter_vås_summary.csv
Data on Schizophrenics born : Aus_schz.csv - Monday 2024-11-11 13:15-15:00: Colours and proportions ()
Lecture 3 slides Lecture 3 Colours.pdf
Dataset used to compare colormaps : Ex_color_maps-1.csv
Circles dataset : Circles.csv
Data on life-happiness for 2018 : 2018.csv
Data with Simpsons's paradox (testing categorical colors) : Ex_colors.csv
GDP data : GDP_tidy.csv
Swedish education data : Education_plot_format.csv
Titanic data : Titanic.csv
Spain employment data : Span_unemployment.csv
Data for using rainbow desaturated palette : Rainbow_desaturated (2).csv (in the notebook there is code for reading and using this palette)
- Wednesday 2024-11-13 10:00-11:45: Time series and associations ()
Lecture 4 slides Lecture 4 Time_ Associations.pdf
Spain employment data : Spain_tidy.csv
Inflation data : Inflation.csv
Sweden population data : Sweden_pop.csv
France population data : France_pop.csv
Bacterial growth data : Growth_rate.csv
Apartment prices data : Housing_sweden.csv
World happiness data : World_2018.csv
Salary data : Salary_sweden.csv
Lifespan data for horizon plot : Life_tidy-1.csv
R-code for horizon plot : Horizon_plot.R
- Monday 2024-11-18 13:15-15:00: Geospatial ()
Lecture 5 slides Lecture 5 Geospatial.pdf
Geospatial_data 2024.ipynb
Forest dataset : Forest_tidy-3.csv
Sweden map region and municipal
Sweden population data : Swe_pop_län_2021-1.csv and Swe_pop_2021-1.csv
USA map :
Starbucks data : Startbucks_location-1.csv
- Wednesday 2024-11-20 10:00-11:45: Uncertainty ()
Lecture 6 slides Lecture 6 Uncertainty.pdf
Chocolate datasets : Chocolate_tidy-1.csv and Chocolate_sum-1.csv
Curve fit data : Traces_fit-1.csv, Sum_curve_fit-1.csv, Sum_curve_fit-2.csv
Probability : Plot_uncertainity-1.csv - Monday 2024-11-25 13:15-15:00: Tables, titles, captions and axes ()
Lecture 7 slides Lecture 7 Tables.pdf
- Wednesday 2024-11-27 08:00-11:45 COMPUTER LAB
- Monday 2024-12-02 13:15-15:00 : Storytelling ()
Lecture 8 slides Lecture 8 Storytelling.pdf
- Wednesday 2024-12-04 10:00-11:45 : Qualitative visuals ()
Lecture 9 slides Lecture 9 Qualitative visuals.pdf
Task files: A.svg B.svg C.svg
- Monday 2024-12-09 13:15-15:00 : The Truthful Art
Lecture 10 slides Lecture 10 Truthful art.pdf
- Wednesday 2024-12-11 10:00-11:45 : General tips
Lecture 11 slides Lecture 11 General tips.pdf
Course project Project
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |