Course syllabus
SJM141 Profile course: Offshore segment Study period 2 HT24 - Study period 3 VT25 (15 hp)
Course is offered by the department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences
Course Guide
Course name: |
Profile Course: The offshore segment |
Academic year: |
Course code: |
SJM141 |
Study period: |
15 hp (ECTS)
Programme owning the course: |
Nautical science |
Language of instruction: |
English |
Department giving the course: |
Mechanics and Maritime sciences |
Examiner(s): |
Mats Gruvefeldt
Course responsible: |
Mats Gruvefeldt (MG)
Other staff: |
Daniel Ernstsson, Scott MacKinnon, |
Student representatives: |
TSJKL Johnny Karlsson TSJKL Joakim Killman TSJKL Mathias Kålberg TSJKL Olivia Meybohm Björkman TSJKL Kasper Wieslander Summanen
Teaching language: English
Open for exchange students: Yes
Only students with the course round in the programme plan
Course module |
Credit distribution |
Sp1 |
Sp2 |
Sp3 |
Sp4 |
Summer course |
No Sp |
0121 |
Take-home examination, part A |
3,0c Grading: UG |
3,0c |
0221 |
Examples class, part B |
4,5c Grading: UG |
4,5c |
0321 |
Written and oral assignments, part C |
7,5c Grading: UG |
7,5c |
Course specific prerequisites
Knowledge and skills corresponding to the learning outcomes on the following courses:
SJM080 Manouvering and controlled navigation
SJM060 Navigationssystem
The aim with this course to give the students an introduction to the offshore segment in relation to different vessels/installations, working practice, different types of operations, HSE (Health Safety and Environment), ice operations and to DP (Dynamic positioning). This as a foundation of understanding for the students to develop in and in the end contribute to safer operations offshore for junior officers.
The course should broaden students' proficiency in all parts of the operative work as officer of the watch (OOW) on board a ship.
The aim of the course is to give students a basic understanding of human factors in the maritime domain.
Learning outcomes (after completion of the course the student should be able to)
- Identify ergonomic principles and understand how these affect the performance of the operators on board.
2. Understand the ability and limitations of the operator and what influences good communication. - Understand the offshore segment and different operations within the same.
- Understand different frameworks and guidelines that exist within the offshore industry.
- Apply manoeuvres with different specialized propulsion systems.
- Understand the concept of safer operations through increased HSE (Health, Safety & Environment) knowledge.
- Carry out DP Induction course (According to Nautical Institute):
"At the end of the course the student should have acquired knowledge of the principles of Dynamic Positioning, be able to set up a dynamic positioning system and have an understanding of the practical operation of associated equipment, including position reference systems. He/she should be able to recognize and respond to the various alarms, warning and information messages.
He/she should also be able to relate the DP installation to the ship system, e.g. power supply, maneuvering facility, available position reference systems and nature of work. He/she should also be able to relate DP operations to the existing environmental conditions of wind, sea state, current and vessel movement." - Carry out planning of a sea voyage and an offshore operation, based upon a chartering assignment, with regards to navigation, service assignment(s) and applicable documentation.
- Carry out an offshore operation as part of a bridge team according to industry guidelines.
- Carry out a self-assessment on skills and performance during an offshore operation.
- Show ability to carry out a sea voyage as single OOW (Officer Of the Watch) on the bridge.
- Present documentation from all parts of the voyage according to industry standards and guidelines for offshore service vessels.
- Introduction to Maritime Human Factors
Definition and impact on the work onboard
Macro and Micro Ergonomics
Economics and ergonomics
- Physical Ergonomics
Anthropometry and kinanthropometry
Musculo-skeletal system
Manual materials handling
- Cognitive Ergonomics
Mental workload, Stress and Individual Differences
Fatigue and shift work
Decision making
"Human Error"
Offshore operations
- General introduction of the offshore sector and description of the different types of vessels, operations and installations.
- A general description of the different regulatory frameworks and guidelines that the sector is affected from
- HSE (Health, safety and environment) safe operations in the offshore industry
- Operations and manoeuvres and the use of different propulsion
DP Induction course will include:
- General principles of dynamic positioning
- The elements of a DP system:
- Computers and control elements
- Position reference systems
- Heading reference
- Wind sensors and other environment reference
- Power generation elements. The UPS system
- Thrusters and maneuvering systems
- Position reference systems and other sensors; their principles of operation, their use, operational merits and limitations
- Practical demonstration and operation of a typical DP system
- DP vessel operations. Hazards associated with certain types of operation, e.g. shallow water and strong tides
- Power generation, distribution and management
- DP watch keeping and watch handover procedures. Documentation. Communications.
Plan and conduct a voyage in specific segment according to industry standards and guidelines.
The course comprises three parts. One part focuses on Human Factors within the maritime domain (0121). One part on offshore operations in general, including DP induction course (0221) and one part focuses on complete planning and partly conducting a sea voyage with associated industry specific service assignments (0321).
Regarding Human Factors education is carried out with lectures and seminars.
Offshore operations are comprised by lectures, mandatory assignments and simulator exercises. Simulator exercises are mandatory. For the DP induction course the following applies:
The DP induction will last 5 days; the course will be held with a mixture of theoretical lessons and practical exercises. This course is the first step in the Nautical Institute training scheme be become a certified DP Operator (DPO). The Department of Applied Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2) at Chalmers is responsible for delivering the course according to Nautical Institute requirements and standards.
At the end of the course the student will decide if she/he would like to undertake a DP online test which is a requirement if the student would like to be approved on the DP course. If the student undertake the test he or she must purchase the DP logbook and Chalmers M2 will issue a course certificate. If the student doesn't take the test, he or she will still be approved on the whole course if all mandatory parts are completed. Lectures and simulator exercises in the DP induction course are mandatory.
The final part is completed in the form of a project work where the student individually or in groups look for information, compile information and present the voyage and the offshore operation.
Study period 2, activities not related to Human Factors:
- 4/11 Introduction to the course and to the offshore sector
- 5/11 Introduction to offshore operations and course assignments
- 6/11 Introduction to Anchor handling
- 22/11 ISM Code Recapitulation
- DP-Course, all activities mandatory
- 25/11 Introduction to DP, DP System classes, DP Modes & operation
- 25/11+26/11 DP Operator station, HMI, Exercise 1, Joystick settings, Exercise 2
- 28/11+29/11 Block diagram, Mathematical modelling/Kalman filtering, DP Set up, Procedures, Work site approach, Checklists, Exercise 3, Sensors
- 2/12 Sensors cont., Geodetical datum, UTM, PRS, PRS Handling
- 2/12+3/12 Alarms & messages, Exercise 4, Exercise 5
- 4/12 Power, Thrusters & propulsion, Exercise 6
- 5/12 Consequence analysis, Offshore ops
- 5/12 Exercise 7, Rules & regulations, FMEA, Info on exam
- 6/12 Examination
- 10/12 Azimuth simulation FMBS (6 pers.), NB Compulsory!
- 11/12 Azimuth simulation FMBS (6 pers.), NB Compulsory!
- 12/12 Azimuth simulation FMBS (6 pers.), NB Compulsory!
- 17/12 Seminar on Bourbon Dolphin assignment. NB Compulsory!
Study period 3:
- 20/1 Introduction to activities and assignments in SP3
- 23/1 Anchor handling operations
- 30/1 Guest lecture Salvage operations
- 4/2 Guest lecture Floatel
- 20/2 Guest lecture Johan Killman, 1st Off Magne Viking
- 25/2 Shuttle tanker operations
- 27/2 Guest lecture NOS, Commercial market for OSV
- 5/3 Lecture/Guest lecture Ship's log book and digital log books
- 7/3 Presentations of AH assignment
- 12/3 Guest lecture Spare
Simulations (Mandatory):
- 28/1 Simulator exercise 1 Team A BOS
- 28/1 Simulator exercise 1 Team B BOS
- 29/1 Simulator exercise 1 Team C BOS
- 31/1 Simulator exercise 1 Team D BOS
- 31/1 Simulator exercise 1 Team E BOS
- 17/2 Simulator exercise 2 Team A FMBS
- 18/2 Simulator exercise 2 Team B FMBS
- 19/2 Simulator exercise 2 Team C FMBS
- 21/2 Simulator exercise 2 Team D FMBS
- 21/2 Simulator exercise 2 Team E FMBS
- 4/3 Simulator (Re)-Familiarization Open House FMBS
Examination Simulations:
7/3, 11/3, 12/3, 14/3, 17/3
DP Operations Handbook
International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the Bridge Procedures Guide, 2007
Handout material to be downloaded from the course web page.
Examination including compulsory elements
The part on Human Factors is examined by Take Home exam and partly 80% presence at lectures, 100% presence and active participation at seminars. This part regards objectives 1 and 2.
The Offshore operations part is examined by hand in assignment for objectives 3, 4 and 6 and 100% presence at simulator exercises for objectives 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10. One simulator exercise is conducted to examine the ability to carry out a sea voyage as single OOW (Officer Of the Watch) on the bridge for objective 11.
DP induction course is examined with mandatory presence on all lectures and practical exercises.
The part on planning and conducting a sea voyage is examined by hand in assignment for objective 8 and 12.
The course examiner may assess individual students in other ways than what is stated above if there are special reasons for doing so, for example if a student has a decision from Chalmers on educational support due to disability.
A-II/1 Contribute to the safety of personnel and ship (ingår även i kurs MMS055, SJM005, SJM035, SJM127, SJO114, SJO762, SJO763, SJO764, SJO880)
A-II/1 Manoeuvre the ship: Ship manouvering and handling (ingår även i kurs SJM005, SJM015, SJM031, SJM080, SJM127, SJO762, SJO763, SJO764, SJO765)
A-II/2 Determine position and the accuracy of resultant position fix by any means (ingår även i kurs SJM005, SJM015, SJM031, SJM060, SJO765, SJO775)
A-II/2 Use of leadership and managerial skill (ingår även i kurs SJM102, SJM107, SJM111, SJM127, SJM136, SJO901)
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |