Course syllabus
MCC115 Modeling and fabrication of micro/nanodevices lp3 VT23/24 (7.5 hp)
The course is offered by the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience
Contact details
Examiner: August Yurgens, +709296956,
Course purpose
We aim to give the students an introduction to research and device fabrication in cleanroom environment, important for further activities both in research and industry related to micro- and nano-technology.
Course literature
To be suggested by the project supervisor.
Course design
The students work in groups of 2-3 persons each. Each group gets a specific project and a supervisor from one of the research laboratories. The students make a plan for the work which should be approved by the supervisor. The supervisor will also give her/his input before the final work plan is decided.
The work comprises literature studies of the field and relevant processes, project planning, manufacturing, characterization, and writing of a scientific report. The course ends with a seminar where the students present their work.
The course is compulsory for students of the Nanoscale Science and Technology Master Programme. Depending on the number of students within this programme and available projects, students from other programmes can also be admitted to the course.
Learning objectives and syllabus
Learning objectives:
- get practical experience in micro- or nano-components manufacturing;
- acquire skills in autonomous scientific research and project planning;
- acquire understanding of the phenomena and processing techniques involved in their project;
- get hands-on experience of clean room work and processes in the MC2 clean room;
- acquire proper laboratory behavior (safety, chemical handling, computer use, use of lab-book);
- get experience from working in a research group;
- get training in writing scientific reports;
- be able to put the performed work and the results in a bigger context;
- identify ethical issues in the area of nanotechnology (and/or related areas) and discuss methods to deal with them, based on a basic theoretical framework.
Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.
Examination form
Written scientific report (min 8 pages), and oral presentation. Keeping a lab-book with hand-written notes taken during the project time is compulsory. The grade (pass-not pass) is based on the practical performance, written report, and oral presentation. See Modules for more information about presentations and reports.
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |