Course syllabus
Welcome to the course TEK665 Innovation systems and sociotechnical transitions (7.5 ECTS), which is managed by the division of Environmental Systems Analysis (ESA) at the Department of Technology Management and Economics (TME).
This page provides a summary of the Course syllabus. Read the Course PM for more detailed information.
Zoom link for the consultation session Friday 28 February:
Purpose and intended learning outcomes
The purpose of the course is for students to develop an understanding of (1) the collective aspects of the innovation process and how they can be analysed, (2) conditions and mechanisms for sociotechnical transitions in important societal sectors, such as energy supply, transport, buildings and food, and (3) the possibility to influence innovation and transition processes at the level of technology, industry or sector through organisational strategies and public policy.
When you have passed the course, you should be able to:
- account for different theoretical frameworks that describe innovation and transition processes at the level of technology, industry or societal sector and critically discuss the similarities and differences between different frameworks;
- account for factors and mechanisms that influence the conditions and possibilities for innovation and sociotechnical transition at the level of technology, industry or societal sector and critically discuss their consequences for the sustainable development of different societal sectors;
- apply selected frameworks in an analysis of empirical descriptions of innovation and transition processes in a particular sector; and
- critically discuss to what extent the factors and mechanisms can be influenced by firms and other societal actors and what strategies and policy instruments could be required to stimulate innovation and sociotechnical transitions.
Changes from last year
We have added three new lectures that go deeper into some aspects of each of the main themes (as requested by the students). We have also introduced a bonus point system to encourage students to participate in literature seminars.
Course administration
The ESA course team is located in the Vasa building at Vera Sandbergs allé 8, house 2, staircase A, 3rd floor. Contact us directly in class or via email:
- Anna Bergek ( – examiner, main lecturer and seminar leader
- Maria (Mascha) Altunay ( – course assistant, seminar leader
- Maja Svanberg ( – assistant seminar leader
The examiner normally replies to email communication daily, but this is not always possible due to meetings and other obligations.
Course contents and main learning activities
Overview of contents
This course covers different perspectives on the collective aspects of innovation, focusing on frameworks to describe, analyse and explain innovation and transition processes at technology, industry or sector level. The content is divided into three main modules:
- Technological & sectoral perspectives on innovation. Focuses on literature discussing technology- and sector-specific patterns of innovation, most notably sectoral systems of innovation and production and technological innovation systems.
- Geographical perspectives on innovation. Focuses on literature discussing spatial and geographical aspects of innovation, e.g. regional innovation systems and “multi-scalar” innovation.
- Sociotechnical transitions. Focuses on literature discussing large-scale sectoral reconfigurations, most notably the multi-level perspective and strategic niche management.
Across these modules, the policy implications of different system perspectives will be explored. We will also to some extent discuss how firms and other actors can influence innovation and transition processes.
Learning activities and workload
The course is organized as a mix of different types of teaching and learning activities:
- Own literature studies. The course is rather heavy on literature, so it is important to start reading immediately. We expect you to spend around 80 hours on literature studies.
- Lectures. The lectures provide an overview of the literature and present the theoretical platform of the course. Attendance is recommended, but not mandatory. You can either read the assigned literature before the lecture or use the lecture as a structuring device for your reading.
- Seminars:
- Introduction and sum-up seminars incl. preparations. These seminars are student-active events, where concepts and implications of the literature are discussed. Some of them are mandatory.
- Literature seminars. The literature seminars are student-led opportunities to discuss and reflect on the general, theoretical articles in order to be able to use them properly in the seminar assignments and individual reflection report. Attendance is recommended, but not mandatory. Preparation is required. To encourage attendance, students who participate actively in the literature seminars will be awarded 2 bonus points per seminar, which can be counted towards the final grade.
- Presentation seminars incl. preparations. The seminars are student-led opportunities to discuss and reflect on empirical literature focusing on a particular sector (energy or transport). They include written preparations and oral presentations in small groups as well as individual peer reviews of other students’ work. Attendance is mandatory.
- Written assignments:
- Seminar assignments (in groups). Analyses of empirical literature focusing on a particular sector (energy or transport).
- Individual reflection report writing. Individual, cross-thematic comparison and reflection.
Please note that 7.5 ECTS credits correspond to a workload of about 180 hours (including individual work during the exam week).
TimeEdit (see further details in the Course PM
Course literature
The course literature consists of a collection of scientific articles and book chapters, which for the most part are available via Chalmers library service (otherwise in Canvas). We have selected a mix of recently published pieces and highly cited “classics”, which much of the more recent literature builds on.
The literature is divided into two main types: general (theoretical) literature and sector-specific (empirical) literature for the seminar assignments. The general articles explain the main theoretical frameworks, while the articles for the seminars contain empirical cases, which illustrate how these (and other) frameworks can be applied to understand the innovation and transition dynamics of specific sectors.
Literature lists with links to articles are provided in the Course PM (general literature) and the Assignment instructions (sector-specific literature). All links have been checked recently. If any link in spite of this does not work – let us know so that we can replace them. You need to use your CID or be connected to Chalmers VPN to access some of the library’s electronic resources from home. For more information, see the library’s information on access to electronic resources.
Examination and grading
The purpose of the examination is to assess to what extent you have achieved the learning objectives of the course. To pass the course (grade 3), you have to achieve all learning objectives. In order to get a higher grade (4 or 5), you need to demonstrate knowledge and understanding, competences and skills, and judgement and approach beyond the level outlined in the learning objectives. It is very important that you understand what is required of you in relation to different examination tasks. If you do not – ask!
The course is examined through three main examination components, which are described in more detail in the Assignment instructions:
- Seminar assignments (in groups): Three literature-based assignments with written submissions and oral presentations, which together correspond to 65% of the course grade.
- Peer reviews (individual): Three peer reviews of other students’ submissions and presentations, which together correspond to 10% of the course grade, where the main task is to prepare discussion questions to ask at the presentation seminars.
- Reflection report (individual): Written cross-thematic comparison with own reflection based on the seminar assignments, which corresponds to 25% of the course grade.
In addition, attendance at some seminars is mandatory (see the schedule). Literature seminars are not mandatory but active participation can give up to 6 bonus points (2 p/seminar) to count towards the final grade provided that you have already achieved the necessary point score for a pass grade.
The final course grade is determined by the sum of the achieved point scores on all assignments (see summary table in the course PM document). An individual overall assessment will be done for students who are close to a higher grade.
Read the Course PM and the Assignment instructions for further information (including information about re-examination).
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |