Course syllabus


KLI042 KLI042 Nutrition, health, and sustainable diets lp4 VT24 (7.5 hp)

The course is offered by the Department of Life Sciences

Contact details


Malin Barman,


Malin Barman,

Mia Stråvik,

Clemens Wittenbecher,

Rikard Landberg,



Laboratory supervisors:

Mia Stråvik,

Mar Vall-Llosera Juanola,

Rebecca Strand,


Study nurse:

Karin Larsson,


Course purpose

The course aims to introduce students to nutrition and its role in health. The purpose is also to provide an overview of how diets – the type, combination, and quantity of foods consumed – can contribute to a sustainable food future.



See the most updated course schedule in the first module. I will upload a new version if there are changes. Course Information

For lecture halls etc, have a look at  TimeEdit

Course literature

Textbook : Introduction to Human Nutrition. Eds. Gibney, Lanham-New, Cassidy, and Vorster. The nutrition Society. Blackwell Science, 2009. ISBN 978-4051-6807-6. 

A selection of scientific publications and relevant and current literature on nutrition, health, and sustainability issues will also be available during the course.


Learning outcomes

Can be found here: Learning outcomes of the course


Course organization:

  • Lectures
    • Flipped class room
    • “Ordinary lectures” – some on zoom
  • Laboratory works
  • Group work
  • Oral presentations
  • Canvas quizzes
  • Canvas assignments

An overview of the lectures can be found here: Overview of lectures


Compulsory parts:

1. Mini Clinical Trial: Chemical analysis of your nutritional status and register your diet in a 4 day food diary

2. Group work healthy and sustainable food consumption

3. Evaluating nutritional research 

4. Quizzes and assignments: Many small compulsory quizzes will be posted on Canvas during the course. You will also need to do different assignments. 

Course summary:

Date Details Due