Course syllabus

The course is held between 27 March - 8 June 2025.

Link to orientation map School of Global Studies: Campus Linné

NB: all lecture halls and seminar rooms at the School of Global Studies are based at Campus Linné (tram stop Linnéplatsen or Seminariegatan). In the above map, it is building 1A "Annedalsseminariet".

Link to orientation map Chalmers campus Johanneberg:


Hi everyone,

This course is jointly organized by Chalmers and GU, and will bring together students from both universities as well as from a number of different programmes. We are truly excited to meet you on 27 March for the course introduction and the first lecture. We have chosen to locate it at both campuses, such that you get to know the environments at both campuses. For this reason, we will provide you with a schedule here on the Canvas page rather than relying on TimeEdit.  

Very welcome!

Jan, Helene and Proshant

Syllabus and Reading List for GU students:

Find Syllabus and Reading List

Syllabus for Chalmers students

Find syllabus

Link to Reading List Chalmers

Reading list (7.5 credits)

reading list (15 credits)

Schedule for all students

The schedule is laid out under "Modules" and specified with date and location for each activity. Since we have activities at both campuses, we ask you to follow the Canvas information instead of TimeEdit. 


Course Coordinators at GU

If you have questions about the course, you can contact the course coordinators:

Jan Bachmann:

Proshant Chakraborty:

Course Coordinators at Chalmers

Helene Ahlborg: 


Study Administration

If you have questions about admission, registration and access to Canvas, you can contact study administrator Matilde Eriksson. You will find the contact information in the Student Portal.

For Chalmers students, the TRACKS team are: 

Mikael Enelund, Director Tracks:

Kristina Henricson Briggs, Director Tracks:

Ingemar Josefsson, secretary of studies:


If you need a transcript of records you can order one here: 

Study Counselling at GU

If you need to talk about your study situation or if you have questions on how to plan your studies, you can contact the Study Counsellors at the School of Global Studies:

Study Counselling at Chalmers 

The Student Center provides support to students. They can help you with information about how to register for courses or sign up for exams and provide contact details to Chalmers’ different support functions

Your Contact Details

At the University of Gothenburg we retrieve contact details from different sources so it is important that you, when needed, forward or update your e-mail address in our different systems in order not to miss any important information. Please make sure your contact details are correct, by following the instructions here:


Sustainable student life

For general information and support for a better study environment we recommend that you visit the site Sustainable student life in the Student Portal. This is where you can also find contact information for student healthcare.


About Canvas and the Student Portal

Link to schedule, syllabus and reading list will be published here at the syllabus page before the course starts. You will access the other pages once you have registered for the course. Most courses will use the function Modules to navigate the course content. For information on how to use Canvas, please look at the Canvas guides or contact Servicecenter for support. 

At My Studies in the Student Portal you will find general information and contact information for various functions that are relevant to students at the School of Global Studies. You can find these pages at the following link:

In the Student Portal you will also find other student related information and log in to all the student university e-services. We recommend that all students explore the resource "To search, read and write".


Course summary:

Date Details Due