Course syllabus


DAT076 Web Applications HT19 (7,5hp)

Revised December 20th, 2018

Department of Computer Science

Course purpose

The course gives a practical introduction to Web application development using Java Enterprise and Java Server Pages.

Course Structure

In the first four weeks of the course, the students attend lectures about Web application development and complete laboratory exercises that guide them through the process of building a Web application.

In the second four weeks of the course, the students work in groups of 3 and develop a Web application whose purpose and design they choose themselves.  They have weekly meetings with a teacher to discuss their progress.

In the examination week, the groups will give a presentation in which they demonstrate their finished projects.  The students will also submit the code for their project as well as a report describing its design and implementation.


There is no examination for this course.

There are four compulsory laboratory assignments which must be completed in order to pass the course.

The grade for the course will be based on the project.  The projects will be graded on functionality, design, quality of code and documentation.  More detailed criteria will be given during the course.


LV1 (Jan 21-25)

Static HTML and CSS.  Simple servers (Hello World, PingPong, Duke's Age)

LV2 (Jan 28-Feb 1)

Your first Web app: ToDoList

LV3 (Feb 4-8)

Databases and persistance

LV4 (Feb 11-15)

Authentication and security

LV5-8 (Feb 18-Mar 15)

Project work

Tentamensperiod (Mar 18-22)


Contact details

Examiner: Robin Adams <>

Course Responsible: Robin Adams <>

Course Assistants: Benjamin Eriksson <>, Adam Waldenberg <>

Student Representatives:

Course literature

See the Course Literature page.

Course summary:

Date Details Due