Course syllabus


MMK073 Materials engineering lp1 HT19 (5 hp)

Course is offered by the Department of Industrial and Materials Science

Contact details


Course purpose

The aim of the course (Materialteknik Z / Materials Engineering Z) is to provide basic understanding about materials science and engineering, in particular the relations between the structure and properties of metallic, ceramic, semiconducting and polymeric materials. Materials selection will be discussed with respect to design-limiting properties required for the performance of a component. To some extent, this also includes the compatibility of the materials with processes required to shape, join and finish them. Hence, topics to be covered are the different materials and their mechanical, electrical and thermal properties, phase diagrams and phase transformations, and the correlation of manufacturing processes and properties. A relatively new addition is a lecture on semiconductor devices.



Notice, TimeEdit contains a lot of lab times. Only those occasions you signed up for will apply! Hence, only those times when you have either microscopy lab or materials selection lab will be used. You are free all other times.


Preliminary timetable for lectures and exercise






w36, 2/9, 10-12h


Introduction/Design thinking (1)


w36, 4/9, 13-15h


Crystallography (2)


w36, 6/9, 10-12h




w37, 9/9, 10-12h


Bonding (2)


w37, 11/9, 13-15h


Mechanical properties (Plasticity) (3)


w37, 13/9, 10-12h


Mechanical properties (Plasticity, Fracture) (4)


w38, 16/9, 10-12h




w38, 18/9, 13-15h


Mechanical properties/Questions


w38, 20/9, 10-12h


Phase diagrams (5)


w39, 23/9, 10-12h


Phase diagrams (5)


w39, 25/9, 13-15h


Processes and the Environment (6)


w39, 27/9, 10-12h


Processes and Properties (7)


w40, 30/9, 10-12h


Exercise on Phase Diagrams

Hans Gruber

w40, 2/10, 13-15h


Mini exam


Johan Wendel

w40, 4/10, 10-12h


Joining and Failures (10)/ Electrical properties (8)


w41,7/10, 10-12


Guest lecture on welding

Robert Pederson (GKN/ Univ. West)

w41, 9/10, 13-15h


Electrical properties (8)


w41, 10/10, 15-17h


Thermal properties (9)/Devices (11)


w42, 14/10, 10-12h




w42, 16/10, 13-15h


Demo: wire bonding


w42, 18/10, 10-12h


Summary of course/ Repetition


w43, 21/10, 10-12h





Notice, that there is a lecture scheduled on 10/10 instead of 11/10 (the day is officially assigned for re-exams).

Course literature

  1. Ashby, Shercliff and Cebon: Materials - engineering, science, processing and design, Butterworth-Heinemann, 3rd edition, 2013 (earlier editions would be ok as well)
  2. Handout material (provided via the course webpage, Canvas)

Course design

While lectures, mini-exam and exercise are not, the labs (including lab report) are compulsory! You have to sign up for the optical microscopy lab  and the material selection lab in due time. Make sure that you are signing up for the time that suits you. It will not be accepted if you don’t show up for the labs or show up at a different time! If you are not able to attend, you have to contact Johan Wendel (first assistant - email available above) in advance for making the required changes. Lab descriptions will be provided on the course homepage. Please, read the descriptions carefully and in advance and follow the instructions given there.

Microscopy Lab

The microscopy lab is a 2 hours session that deals with the Fe-C system and the different microstructures and phase transitions that can occur in this system. You will work in pairs. Aim with the lab is to get hands-on experience in identifying microstructures.

Material selection lab/helicopter lab (CES EduPack):

The project work is another hands-on activity in the course and you will work with a computer program called CES EduPack. You will work in pairs again. There are a few exercise you will do (described in the lab description) to familiarize yourself with the program. Then, you will work with questions related to a toy-helicopter. You will look for specific information and produce charts (you may want to bring a memory stick!) you will need for writing the report (report will be due on the day of the exam, i.e. 2019-10-30).  The report will be graded ( which will provide points in the final exam).


An exercise is scheduled for the whole group (during ordinary lecture hour). It will focus on phase diagrams and elucidates with help of examples how you can extract information like the phases present, their composition and their phase amount, as well as how you can predict the microstructure at a specific temperature.


There will be a mini-exam after about half of the course. You will get questions similar to the ones you can expect in the written exam later-on. After individually working with the questions, a fellow student will control and correct them while a teaching assistent is providing/discussing the answers.

Notice, the mini-exam is not graded and is not providing extra points in the final exam! Aim is to elucidate which parts are well understood already and which ones require more attention.


Changes made since the last occasion

The project work on electronic parts/wire bonding is replaced (samples are damaged too fast) by the materials selection lab (toy helicopter) using the CES EduPack program.

We will have a demo of the wire bonding instead.


Learning objectives and syllabus

After the course, you should

-   be able to describe how materials are built up and how this affects their mechanical, electrical and thermal properties,

-   describe processes to manipulate strength of different materials,

-   be familiar with various design aspects (design-limiting properties, manufacturing processes) for material selection,

-   be able to describe joining techniques (soldering, wire bonding, etc.) and failure mechanisms that occur in electronic components,

-   be able to describe how semiconductors are applied in devices,

-   be aware of sustainability aspects and the impact of process selection,

-   do materials selection with respect to sustainability aspects,

-   have hands-on experience in identifying microstructures.


Examination form

Written exam, as well as approved labs are required for approval of MMK073. The exam is scheduled for October 30th in the morning. Even though the course will be given in English you can answer exam questions in Swedish, English, or in a mix of both to overcome language problems. You can bring a dictionary if you like or the word list (handout on course webpage). An approved calculator will be allowed; a periodic table and a list with formulas and constants will be provided during the exam (however, it is recommended to learn basic equations). Details about the exam will be announced during the lectures or on the course homepage. The questions will be put in a way that you have to do basic calculations, draw a sketch and/or explain something in written form. Aim is to test your knowledge (basic understanding) of the topic and your ability to combine, relate and apply the different areas we cover in the course.

Course summary:

Date Details Due