Course syllabus
Welcome to Sustainable biomass supply 2019
The course aims at giving up-to-date scientific knowledge in ecology and agriculture, forestry and aquatic production systems for food, fuels, chemicals and materials. The course includes an orientation in ethical and economic principles that provide the fundaments to sustainable development, as well as in relevant methods and tools for analysing biomass production systems, including sustainability standards and certification systems.
Learning outcomes
After successfully completing the course, the students should be able to:
- Account for agriculture, forestry & aquatic production systems in a regional perspective and how the systems affect land, water and other resources
- Describe fundamental ecological principles that are important for ecosystem functions to support biomass production.
- Explain the potential impacts of biomass production systems on biodiversity and the state of ecosystem services, including major biogeochemical cycles.
- Reflect on valuation of ecosystems from different ethical and economic perspectives.
- Account for relevant methods and tools, and their use for assessing biomass production systems including standards and governance.
- Appraise options for future biomass production systems, including novel methods and technologies.
Pre-knowledge requirement
Basic university level knowledge in environmental sciences or chemical/biological engineering
Course content and organization
The course is divided into three parts:
1 – Basic scientific knowledge
The first part gives basic knowledge on biomass production systems, ecological principles, and impacts on ecosystems from biomass production. This part includes around 12 lectures and a mandatory individual hand-in assignment with the aim to deepen the understanding of two essential course topics. This is done by examining and evaluating a scientific article, and peer-reviewing another student’s work. Instructions on the hand-in assignment is given in a separate PM and in lecture on November 8.
2 – Methods for sustainable assessment of biomass production
Part two of the course deals with methods for assessing and valuating biomass production from a broad sustainability perspective, including quality standards and certification schemes for bio-based products. This part includes lectures and a mandatory exercise in environmental ethics.
3 – Group project work to assess future or novel biomass production systems/approaches
In the third part, the students apply the knowledge they have acquired in a case study that focus on finding sustainable solutions for biomass production systems under likely future scenarios. The students work with the cases in groups of three to four students and their work is presented in a written report and an oral presentation. The latter also includes an exercise in reviewing the work of another group, including leading the discussion after their presentation. Information on the project work is given in a separate PM and on November 15.
The societal interest of bioeconomy and increased use of sustainably produced biomass is large and growing. An important feature of the course organization is therefore to provide the students with a close interaction with relevant industries and society. This is accomplished through field trips, industry visits and guest lectures.
Teaching and Administration
Course leaders
- Christel Cederberg (CC),, examiner, Physical Resource Theory, phone: 031-772 2218
- Ulrika Palme (UP),, Environmental Systems Analysis, phone: 031-772 8607
- Emke Vrasdonk (EV),, Environmental Systems Analysis, phone: 031-772 6325
Guest lecturers
- Catrin Gustavsson (CG), Södra Cell Värö
- Göran Berndes (GB), Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers
- Joshua Mayers (JM), Industrial Biotechnology, Chalmers,
- Mairon Bastos Lima (MBL), Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers
- … (more to come)
Literature etc
Text book
- Fundamentals of Ecosystem Science by Kathleen Weathers, David Strayer and Gene Likens. 2013 Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-088774-3
Scientific papers and reports
- Additional papers (to the text book) will provided in some lectures and made available at the home page
- A selection of scientific articles to choose for the individual hand in assignment will be listed in “Hand-in-PM” and made available at the home page
- Specific readings for the projects supplied by the teachers/supervisors
Field trips and study tours
- Field trip 1, November 14, 8.30-17.00: Forestry in practice and Södra Cell Värö
- Field trip 2, November 28, 8.30-17.00: Agriculture in practice and Nature conservation
The course is examined through two activities accredited a total of 80 points according to the table below. To pass the course, a student has to collect a minimum of 50 % of the maximum points in total, a minimum of 50% of the maximum points on the exam and a minimum of 60% of the maximum points on the project. To achieve grade 4, 70 % is needed and for grade 5, 85 % of the maximum points.
Activity Maximum points Required for pass
Exam 45 50 %
Project 35 60 %
As we see field trips as important, these are accredited 1,5 bonus point each (i.e. 3 bonus points in total).
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |