Course syllabus

Welcome to IPR011 "Managing development projects" lp1 HT19 (7.5 hp).
This course is offered by the department of Technology Management and Economics.

The Course Board Meeting (for evaluation of the course) will take place 5th Dec 14:00-15:00.  Apart from Chalmers staff, the two student representatives will participate.

For more information, see:


For reading for the different lectures, see below.


Contact details


Alvar Palm
Course responsible, supervisor
+46 31 772 65 70
It is Alvar you contact for general inquiries about the course


Jan Wickenberg
Examiner, supervisor
031-772 8331


Johannes Berglind Söderqvist
Lecturer, supervisor
+46 31 772 63 73


Birgitta Engrell
LADOK (grade) registrator
031-772 1219


Gouthanan Pushpananthan
031-772 6891


Lars Hallin
Lecturer (PM Basics)


Ludvig Lindlöf
031-772 1285

Siri Jagstedt.jpg

Siri Jagstedt


Ana Magazinius


We are at the Division of Innovation and R&D Management ('IRDM').
We reside in Vasa house 2 (Vera Sandbergs Allé 8), 3rd floor by staircase 'B'.


Course literature

The course book is: Pinto, Jeffrey K., Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage (4th International Edition) ISBN: 9781292094793.

The book will be available at Chalmers Store. Used copies might be available on sites such as (mind the pinto.jpgdelivery times, as the book is taught during the first two weeks of the course). The 3rd edition of the book is also available as an e-book at the Chalmers library.

Q: If I have a copy of the 3rd edition of the book, will that do?
A: It will do quite well, although there are some things in the 4th edition (e.g. Agile) not covered by the 3rd.

Q: What's the scope for the Basic Test?
A: All chapters of the textbook are covered by the test.

Also, a number of articles will be used. Below, you can find a list of readings for each lecture. Texts can be downloaded here or (in most cases) though the Chalmers Library. There may be some adjustments to the course literature along the way, in which case announcements will be sent to the students.

Reading Week 1

Lecture: Introduction

  1. The IPR011 Course PM
  2. This must-read text: Academic Honesty and Integrity at Chalmers – What Are the Rules of the Game?
  3. You learn about the reference standard on Chalmers Library online Reference Guide (APA style)
Lecture series: PM Basics (Lars Hallin; extending into Reading Week 2)
  1. Lars will make extensive use of the course textbook (Pinto)


Reading Week 2

Lecture: Introduction to the Research Project Work (Alvar, Jan, Johannes)
  1. PM for the Research Project Work
Lecture: Managing the Early Phases of Projects (Gouthanan)
  1. Cooper, R., (1988). Predevelopment Activities Determine New Product Success. Industrial Marketing Management, (17), 237-247.
  2. Reid, E. and de Brentani, U. (2004). The fuzzy front end of new product development for discontinuous innovation: a theoretical model. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 21:170-184.
  3. Nobelius, D., & Trygg, L. (2002). Stop chasing the Front End process — Management of the early phases in product development projects. International Journal of Project Management, 20(5), 331-340.
Lecture: Servitization of Development Projects (Siri)
  1. Brax, S. A., & Jonsson, K. (2009). "Developing integrated solution offerings for remote diagnostics: a comparative case study of two manufacturers". International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 29(5), 539-560.
  2. Ulaga, W., & Reinartz, W. J. (2011). "Hybrid Offerings: How Manufacturing Firms Combine Goods and Services Successfully". Journal of Marketing, 75(6), 5-23.


Reading Week 3

Lecture: Introduction to Power, Leadership and Motivation (Jan)

MANDATORY It is essential that you at least read article (1) below (if you decide to attend the lecture):

  1. Pages 1-31 of Abrashoff, M. (2002). It's Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy. New York: Warner Books.
  2. Cannon, M. D. (2005). Actionable Feedback: Unlocking the Power of Learning and Performance Improvement. The Academy of Management executive, 19(2), 120-134.
  3. Walumbwa, F. O., Muchiri, M. K., Misati, E., Wu, C., & Meiliani, M. (2017). Inspired to perform: A multilevel investigation of antecedents and consequences of thriving at work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(3), 249 - 261.
Lecture: Managing the Shadow System of Project Management (Jan)
  1. Argyris, C. (2002). "Teaching Smart People How to Learn". Reflections, 4(2), 4-15.
  2. Buchanan, D., & Badham, R. (1999). "Politics and Organizational Change: The Lived Experience". Human Relations, 52(5), 609-629.

Previous students found Argyris (2002) to be an easy text, although the underlying theory is a little tricky. On the other hand, inexperienced master students may find the format of Buchanan and Badham (1999) making it tricky to read, although the underlying theory is quite simple.


Reading Week 4

Lecture: Agile (Johannes)

(No reading)

Lecture: Sustainability for project managers (Alvar)

(No reading)


Reading Week 5

Literature Seminars Alfa, Bravo, Charlie (Gouthanan)

MANDATORY Texts to be read before, reflected upon and a hand-in being made (note that some of this reading is the same as for some of the lectures):

  1. Brax, S. A., & Jonsson, K. (2009). "Developing integrated solution offerings for remote diagnostics: a comparative case study of two manufacturers". International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 29(5), 539-560.
  2. Nobelius, D., & Trygg, L. (2002). Stop chasing the Front End process — Management of the early phases in product development projects. International Journal of Project Management, 20(5), 331-340.
  3. Ulaga, W., & Reinartz, W. J. (2011). "Hybrid Offerings: How Manufacturing Firms Combine Goods and Services Successfully". Journal of Marketing, 75(6), 5-23.
  4. Veryzer, R. W. (1998). Discontinuous Innovation and the New Product Development Process. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 15(4), 304-321.
Lecture: Knowledge Management in PD (Ludvig)
  1. Hansen, M. T., Nohria, N., & Tierney, T. (1999). What's your strategy for managing knowledge? Harvard Business Review, 77(3), 196-196.

Lecture: Reflections on Project Management: The case of the European EHR4CR project (Mats Sundgren, AstraZeneca)

  1. Rx Data News, (2018). Monthly deep focus: What impact has data science and the technologies associated with it had on pharmaceutical research & development?


Reading Week 6

Lecture: The Estimation Challenge (Ana Magazinius, RISE)
  1. Grimstad, S., Jørgensen, M., & Moløkken-Østvold, K. (2006). "Software effort estimation terminology: The tower of Babel". Information and Software Technology, 48(4), 302-310.

Lecture: Visual Management (Ludvig)
(No reading)

Lecture: Exhibits of the Shadow System, and the Swiss Cheese Theory (Jan)

During this lecture, Jan will introduce Reason’s risk model popularly called the Swiss Cheese model, and also give a number of examples of the Shadow System. No pre-reading required (but for those who missed the Shadow System lecture Sep 19th Jan recommends that you read the texts for that lecture).


Reading Week 7

Research Project Presentations

[any reading will be announced here]


Reading Week 8

Lecture: Closing and hand-out of Home Exam

[any reading will be announced here]


Course summary:

Date Details Due