Course syllabus


TEK275 Projects in supply chain management lp1 HT19 (15 hp)

Course is offered by the Department of Technology Management and Economics

Course purpose

The objective of the course is to provide the students with an opportunity to go deeper into certain aspects of Supply Chain Management as broadly defined. In combination with seminars taking place during the course, the project to be carried outaims at providing training in problem identification, problem analysis, methodology, data collection, analysis, and project reporting. In addition, this aims at preparing the students for their master's thesis.

After completion of the course, the student shall have gained in-depth knowledge within a specific area within the SCM domain and acquired improved ability to:

  • Identify and analyse relevant theoretical and practical problems within the SCM area
  • Collect and use various types of empirical data for problem-solving purposes
  • Orally and in writings reflect upon and present their analyses and conclusions
  • Critically reflect upon theoretical assumptions and results

Course organization

The project is an independent work carried out in groups typically consisting of 3-4 students. It is carried out based on a problem provided by a company, research institute, and/or a division at Chalmers. This organization acts as the host organization of the project, but it may well be that several organizations will be involved in the project. The host organization provides the initial problem formulation,

The distribution of students on the different projects will be done as far as possible based on the students’ interest and wishes. This will take place in connection to the course start.

Each project will be supervised by a teacher from Chalmers, either the Division of Supply and Operations Management or the Division of Service Management and Logistics.

During the course, there will be a few methodology and skill-oriented seminars led by teachers from Chalmers or by guest lecturers. Furthermore, the projects will be presented and discussed at a Planning seminar, a Mid-term seminar, and a Final seminar at the end of the course. Also, each project should be orally presented to the host organization in a way agreed upon between the project group and the host organization.


Course grading is Pass and Fail.

To get a Pass, the following items are required to be approved:

  • active participation in the project work
  • active participation in the seminars of the course
  • project report according to report template
  • oral presentation to the host organization, in agreement with this organization and the examiner


Main part of the interaction with Chalmers during the course will take place between the project group and the supervisor. The schedule common to all project groups is given in the table below.

Date and time



02 September


Course introduction

Vasa 3

Study week 2

Individual group discussion/supervision


16 September


Methodology and academic reporting

Vasa 3

30 September


Planning seminar: presentation and discussion of planning reports

Vasa 3

11 November


Mid-term seminar: Discussion of ongoing projects

Vasa 3

16 December


Final seminar:Presentation of draft reports and opposition

Vasa 3

17 January

Deadline for submitting the final report




Course summary:

Date Details Due