Course syllabus


TIF300 / FYM300 Spectroscopy lp2 HT19 (7.5 hp)

The course is offered by the Department of Physics

Contact details:


Examiner and Course Responsible

Timur Shegai

Department of Physics, Division of Bionanophotonics



Guest Lecturers

Eva Olsson (EELS)

Department of Physics, Eva Olssons group


Ruggero Verre (CL)

Department of Physics, Division of Bionanophotonics


Dinko Chakarov (Photoelectron spectroscopy)

Department of Physics, Divison of Chemical Physics



Teaching Assistants

Adriana Canales


Steven Jones


Andrew Yankovich






Course purpose

Aim of the course

  • To provide a broad introduction to the field of modern spectroscopy with particular emphasis on modern experimental techniques and theoretical background.
  • To familiarize students with central unifying concepts and experimental as well as theoretical methods needed for the understanding of modern spectroscopy.
  • To highlight the importance of symbiosis between experimental and theoretical approaches in the spectroscopy disciplines.
  • To introduce the key physical concepts of atomic and molecular spectroscopy and microscopy, as well as give an overview of their applications.


Learning outcomes (after completion of the course the student should be able to)

  • explain the basic concepts to describe phenomena that are responsible for the importance of spectroscopy in modern science and technology.
  • name and explain some of the most important experimental and theoretical methods commonly used.
  • apply theoretical reasoning to account for experimental observations, and to build simple physical models for properties and processes occurring in atoms and molecules upon interaction with electromagnetic radiation.
  • explain the key phenomena for the interaction of electrons with matter.





Course literature

The following books are comprehensive background reading material (not compulsory) for the course and available via Chalmers Library:

  • Hollas: Modern Spectroscopy, Wiley, 2004.
  • Long: The Raman effect, Wiley, 2002.
  • Wilson: Molecular vibrations: The theory of infrared and Raman vibrational spectra.
  • Le Ru and P. Etchegoin: Principle of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Elsevier, 2009.
  • Lakowicz: Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Springer, 2006
  • Boyd: Nonlinear Optics


Web resources:


Course design


  • The course content will be provided during the lectures.
  • Two COMPULSORY laboratory works, devoted to (1) Optical spectroscopy and (2) Electron spectroscopy, correspondingly.
  • The Optical part will include Raman and FTIR microscopy and spectroscopy.
  • The Electron part will include cathodoluminescence and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS).
  • The course will also contain 5 OPTIONAL home works, the successful completion of which provides BONUS points at the final exam.


Description of the course's learning activities; how they are implemented and how they are connected. This is the student's guide to navigating the course. Do not forget to give the student advice on how to learn as much as possible based on the pedagogy you have chosen. Often, you may need to emphasize concrete things like how often they should enter the learning space on the learning platform, how different issues are shared between supervisors, etc.

Provide a plan for

  • lectures
  • home exercises
  • laboratory work

Should contain a description of how the digital tools (Canvas and others) should be used and how they are organized, as well as how communication between teachers and students takes place (Canvas, e-mail, other).

Do not forget to describe any resources that students need to use, such as lab equipment, studios, workshops, physical or digital materials.

You should be clear how missed deadlines and revisions are handled.


Changes made since the last occasion

A summary of changes made since the last occasion.


Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

  • explain the basic concepts to describe phenomena that are responsible for the importance of spectroscopy in modern science and technology.
  • name and explain some of the most important experimental and theoretical methods commonly used.
  • apply theoretical reasoning to account for experimental observations, and to build simple physical models for properties and processes occurring in atoms and molecules upon interaction with electromagnetic radiation.
  • explain the key phenomena for the interaction of electrons with the matter.
  • Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

If the course is a joint course (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet) you should link to both syllabus (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet).


Examination form

  • Written exam consisting of several problems and questions at the end of the course:
    (10 questions ca. 3p each, 0-12 p = failed, 12-18=3; 18-24=4, 24-30=5)
  • Obligatory Labs: (passed/not passed)
  • Homeworks: in total 5 assignments (1p each, maximum total give 5 extra points at the exam, not obligatory).


Description of how the examination – written examinations and other – is executed and assessed.


  • what components are included, the purpose of these, and how they contribute to the learning objectives
  • how compulsory and/or voluntary components contribute to the final grade
  • grading limits and any other requirements for all forms of examination in order to pass the course (compulsory components)
  • examination form, e.g. if the examination is conducted as a digital examination
  • time and place of examination, both written exams and other exams such as project presentations
  • aids permitted during examinations, as well as which markings, indexes and notes in aids are permitted

Do not forget to be extra clear with project assignments; what is the problem, what should be done, what is the expected result, and how should this result be reported. Details such as templates for project reports, what happens at missed deadlines etc. are extra important to include.

Course summary:

Date Details Due