Course syllabus


KTK095 Surface chemistry lp1 HT19 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Contact details


Schedule 2019.pdf

Course literature

—Surface Chemistry of Surfactants and Polymers by Kronberg, Holmberg and Lindman.

Course design

The course includes the following activities:

  • —12 lectures given by 3 teachers
  • —4 compulsory labs
  • —1 compulsory group work activity incl. a video presentation
  • —Written exam, 4h

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

  • describe how surfactants, surface active polymers, and polar lipids self-aggregate in solution and at surfaces
  • describe the environmental issues related to surfactants
  • understand how a balance between attractive and repulsive interactions governs the stability of dispersed systems
  • understand the role of surfactants as emulsifier, wetting agent, foaming agent, and active ingredient in detergents
  • describe the difference in physicochemical behavior between a low molecular weight surfactant and a surface active polymer and relate these differences to practical uses
  • understand how combinations of surfactants and of a surfactant and a polymer behave
  • understand the fundamental differences between a microemulsion and an emulsion and describe advantages and disadvantages with both system
  • describe how surfactant self-assembly can be taken advantage of for organic and bioorganic synthesis and for preparation of inorganic nanomaterials
  • understand how formulations based on organic solvents may be replaced by surfactant-based formulations such as emulsions and microemulsions as a way to make more environmentally benign products

Additionally, this course aims to provide entrepreneurial experiences according to Chalmers definition including: 1. that students create value (for example economical, ecological, social, mental, physiological etc.) for others; 2. understand an idea development process; and 3. through these activities have managed uncertainty and reflected on one's own and others' capabilities. The entrepreneurial experience is provided through a compulsory group project.

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan


Examination form

Written exam

Course summary:

Date Details Due