Course syllabus


MCC075 Molecular electronics lp1 HT19 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience

Contact details

Course purpose

The objective of the course is to give an exposure to the emerging field of molecular electronics with single molecules. The aim is to give an introduction into experimental techniques and theoretical concepts for electron transport through single molecule devices, and familiarize the students with the basic concepts for describing and simulating the physical properties of such systems.



Course literature

We use material from these two books:

1. Molecular Electronics: An Introduction To Theory And Experiment (World Scientific Series in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)

Juan Carlos Cuevas and Elke Scheer

World Scientific Publishing

ISBN-10: 9814282588

ISBN-13: 978-9814282581

Available as electronic book through Chalmers library:

2. Handbook of Single-Molecule Electronics

Edited by Kasper Moth-Poulsen

Pan Stanford 2015

Print ISBN: 978-981-4463-38-6

eBook ISBN: 978-981-4463-39-3

Available online through the Chalmers library subscription:

Course design

Description of the course's learning activities; how they are implemented and how they are connected. This is the student's guide to navigating the course. Do not forget to give the student advice on how to learn as much as possible based on the pedagogy you have chosen. Often, you may need to emphasize concrete things like how often they should enter the learning space on the learning platform, how different issues are shared between supervisors, etc.

Provide a plan for

  • lectures
  • exervises
  • laboratory work
  • projects
  • supervision
  • feedback
  • seminars

Should contain a description of how the digital tools (Canvas and others) should be used and how they are organized, as well as how communication between teachers and students takes place (Canvas, e-mail, other).

Do not forget to describe any resources that students need to use, such as lab equipment, studios, workshops, physical or digital materials.

You should be clear how missed deadlines and revisions are handled.

Changes made since the last occasion

No changes.

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

Following the course, you should be able to

- describe the basic regimes of charge transport through single molecule devices, such as Coulomb blockade, quantum coherent transport, and Kondo effect.
- explain the role of coupling between molecules and electrodes.
- model orbitals of simple molecules, using analytical methods and numerical methods based on available computational packages.
- describe the influence of internal degrees of freedom in molecular charge transport, such as electromechanical effects, vibrational effects, and molecular switching mechanisms.
- model current transport in the sequential tunneling regime and explain how it is affected by molecular properties.
- model current transport in the quantum coherent transport regime and explain how it is affected by molecular properties.
- describe available experimental techniques and concepts for studies of current transport though single molecule devices.
- describe chemical motifs for molecular switches, rectifiers, and transistors.
- describe chemical concepts for self-assembly of molecular devices.

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

Examination form

  • Homework (hand-in): molecular orbitals computational project
    pass/fail grade
  • Homework (hand-in + oral presentation): Coulomb blockade project
    max 5 bonus points on exam
  • Seminar where students presents a scientific article from the literature on experimental methods and concepts in molecular electronics
    pass/fail grade
  • Written exam: Approximately 10 questions, with 50/50 weight of points between experimental and theory lectures.

    0-19 points   = fail
    20-29 points = grade 3
    30-39 points = grade 4
    40-50 points = grade 5

    Help: standard Math and Physics handbooks: Beta, Physics Handbook, TeFyMa and a simple
    calculator (with empty memory)

Course summary:

Date Details Due