Course syllabus
VTA137 Introduction to audio technology and acoustics lp1 HT19 (7.5 hp)
Course is offered by the Division of Applied Acoustics at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Contact details
Lecturers: Astrid Pieringer, email:
Jens Ahrens, email:
Course assistants: Hannes Helmholz, email:
Pablo Panter, email:
Course purpose
The course aims at the student learning basic acoustics and audio as essential to modern society. This demands knowledge about the basics of sound propagation, behaviour of sound in rooms, properties of sound absorbers, the need for wall transmission loss, etc. It also concerns communications requirements in which engineers need to deal with communication systems where sound is an integral part, such as mobile telephones, virtual reality systems, voice recognition systems, radio & television and sound playback systems. This knowledge is also important for sound design of products and sound environments in our daily life.
Find the course schedule in TimeEdit and also here. There is additional tutoring time scheduled on each weekday before each exercise occurrence, which takes place at the lecture hall of the Division of Applied Acoustics at Sven Hultins gata 8A. Ring the doorbell if the door is locked.
Course literature
Download all materials from the course website. Contact the instructors to obtain the password.
Course design
The course is composed of lectures, in-class exercises, and home assignments. It is required that at least 60 % of the home assignments are completed according to the ticking system explained in class. Find the course PM here with information on the contents.
Please use email or personal communication to communicate with the instructors.
Changes made since the last occasion
Learning objectives and syllabus
Link to the syllabus at Student Portal.
Examination form
The exam is written and typically consists of 1–2 essay tasks and 4–5 problems (6 in total). The duration is 5 hours. The following aids are allowed at the test: Mathematical tables, electronic calculators without text memory and our list of equations for the course (without self-written notes). A minimum of 12 points is required for a passing grade, as well as having ticked 60 % of the home assignments in the exercise classes.
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |