Course syllabus


MKM105 Introduction to microsystems packaging lp2 HT19 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience

Contact persons


Examiners:                   Professor Johan Liu, phone: 031-772 3067 or

                                            0705- 69 38 21, email:


                                            Assistant Professor Yifeng Fu, 031-772 3093 or 0704 43 87 84,



Lecturers:                     Professor Johan Liu (JL)

                                            Assistant Professor Yifeng Fu (YF)

                                            Professor Torbjörn Nilsson (TN),


Course assistants:    Ph.D student Josef Hansson (JH), 0703 84 61 65


                                            Ph.D student Andreas Nylander (AN), 0706 08 73 85


                                            Ph D student Hafid Zehri (HZ), 0700 06 77 79


Course homepage:

Email contact: 

Course purpose

The objective of the course is to give the students an insight of the fundamental materials, processes and concepts for microsystem system packaging. The students will after the course understand the driving forces for the quick development and fast changes related to the microelectronics/microsystem industry and products. The students will be able to use the terminology within the packaging of the electronics and microsystem to deal with the issues in this area. The students shall also be able to master basic manufacturing, packaging techniques at component as well as at circuit board level.



Course literature

Course literature

We recommend to use at least one of the following books:

  1. Rao Tummala: “Fundamentals of Microsystems Packaging”, McGraw Hill, New York, USA, 2001, ISBN: 0-07-137169-9
    Available as an e-book in Chalmers Library:
    Also on Google books:" \l "v=onepage&q&f=false
  2. Reliability in Microtechnology: Interconnect, Device and Systems, Johan Liu, et al,
    Available as an e-book in Chalmers library:
    But also hard copies in Cremona.
  3. Yufeng Jin, Zhiping Wang, Jing Chen: “Introduction to microsystem packaging technology”, 2011
    Available as an e-book in Chalmers Library:

Course design

  • Lectures
  • Exercises (Homework exercises compulsory)
  • Laboratory work (compulsory)
  • Industrial visit (compulsory)
  • Project work (in groups of two students, compulsory)
  • Review one project (compulsory)
  • Oral presentation (compulsory)

A number of lectures will be organized in the course in order to give a background on microelectronics/microsystems packaging and production.

In addition to this, exercises and laboratory work will enhance the students understanding of the basic concepts in microelectronics and microsystems packaging and production.

We will also have one visit to a company that develops and manufactures electronic products. Furthermore, a project work in the form of a literature search in a relevant field will be performed in groups of two students. The project work will be presented both in written and oral form. Each group will also review another group’s project work and will function as the official opponent at the oral presentation.


  • Introduction to microelectronics/microsystems packaging and production
  • Electronic components and their packaging
  • IC assembly
  • Passives
  • Sealing and encapsulation
  • System-level printed circuitry technology
  • Board assembly, packaging materials and processes
  • Wafer level packaging and other advanced packages
  • MEMS packaging
  • Thermal management
  • Thermo-mechanical reliability
  • RF packaging and electrical testing

In addition to the following lectures, there will be at least one mandatory guest lecture.


There will be 6 exercises during the course, showcasing example problems from all parts of the lectures, as well as exam problems.

Laboratory work

  • Lab A: Surface mount technology (JH), MC2 building, floor 5, rooms A511
  • Lab B: Flip-chip technology (AN), MC2 building, floor 5, room A511
  • Lab C: Thermal property characterization (MKS and HZ), MC2 building, floor 5, room A515

Each lab group (as signed up on Canvas) has the labs according to the following table:

Session Lab A Lab B Lab C
1. Nov 22 1 2, 3 -
2. Dec 6 2 1, 4 -
3. Dec 13 3 - 2, 3
4. Dec 17 4 - 1, 4

Project work:

A compulsory project work is included in the course. The aim is to further develop and deepen the student’s knowledge in some field of interest, related to electronics and microsystem packaging and integration. Each group of students will choose one topic and it will be performed as a literature survey. During the project, the students can set up a meeting with their supervisors (project responsible) for discussions and guidance, the meeting will be set up by the students and the supervisors.

The project work shall represent around one week’s work, and be presented in both written (~5 pages) and oral format. Each group has 15 min for their oral presentation plus 5 min discussion time (a total of 20 min for each group). Furthermore, each student shall review another project work and function as an opponent at the oral presentation. The students shall critically read a report from another group and give some questions (minimum 2 each) during the oral session about the work.

The project work has to be decided as soon as possible or latest by the end of week 2 and finished and delivered at the latest on Thursday on study week 7. The project work will be graded with: not passed, 3, 4 and 5 and is worth 10% of the final grade.

Upload your project through the course homepage or send it to

Industrial visit

In the course, there will be one compulsory industrial visit. The company will be announced in the first few weeks of the course.

Compulsory homework assignments

  • PCB CAD assignment, assignment, to familiarize yourself with PCB design software. Hand-in due 29/11.
  • A few homework problems will be available on the course home page and are to be handed in 20/12, 18:00. Your hand-in will be reviewed after the exam and weigh in on your final grade of the course.

Upload your completed assignments through the course homepage or send it to

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

  • Describe microsystems packaging of fundamental technologies such as microelectronics, photonics and MEMS. Define each one of these fundamental technologies and describe the key concepts for packaging in each one of them.
  • Select appropriate package technologies for different devices.
  • Suggest solutions to well defined problems concerning the role of packaging in microelectronics and microsystems, the fundamentals of electrical package design, single-chip and multichip packaging, IC assembly, wafer-level packaging, fundamentals of discrete, integrated and embedded passives, fundamentals of optoelectronics, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), sealing and encapsulation, system-level Printed Wiring Board (PWB) technology and board assembly.
  • Assess and compare different manufacturing processes and packaging technologies in order to make optimal choices based on specific requirements.
  • Discuss the challenges of packaging and thermal management in electronics in a meaningful way with a professional in the field.
  • Describe heat transfer in a microsystem in a schematic diagram consisting of thermal resistors.
  • Compare and determine the relative importance of different thermal transport mechanisms in realistic microelectronic scenarios.
  • Make basic design considerations for cooling of microelectronics.
  • Choose appropriate materials for different packages based on material properties and design requirements.
  • Discuss the reasons for the differing reliability of different packages and packaging technologies.
  • Use simple characterization methods to determine thermal, mechanical and electrical properties as well as the reliability of packaging materials and electronics systems.
  • Explain the acceleration factor for reliability testing.
  • Choose the right reliability tests and characterization methods for components, interconnects for a packaged system.

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

Examination form

  1. Written examination with scales: not passed, 3>40% (24 points), 4>60% (36 points), 5>80% (48 points).
  2. Project work with scales: not passed, 3, 4, and 5.
    1. Delivered written report
    2. Oral presentation done
    3. Review of another project work.
  3. Exercises with scales: not passed, 3, 4, and 5.
  4. The labs passed
  5. The visit passed.
  6. Attendance on mandatory guest lecture
  7. Written examination (80%), Project work (10%) and Exercises and Labs and all others (10%) in the counting of the final grade.


Course summary:

Date Details Due