Course syllabus

Course-PMARK636 course pm HT19 190825.pdf

ARK636 Masters thesis preparation course 1 lp1 HT19 (4.5 hp)

Welcome to the introduction lecture, 2nd of September, 10 am, in SBMultisalen. 

Contact details

Maja Kovacs, artistic teacher


Mobile: 0703088491 

    Course purpose

    The course prepares the students through a general understanding of the master’s thesis process. It presents the differentdirections within the master’s thesisand enables the students to evaluate and choose a direction. Within the course the student will develop a platform of knowledge by testing, developing and analyzing different fields, themes or ideas for a master’s thesis. At this stage the purpose is not to grade or rate the master thesis work, but to explore and evaluate. That means that the result of the course may vary from student to student, depending on where they are in the process. The project plan will be developed within ARK641, Master ́s thesis preparation course, part 2. Therefore, the result from this course is a wide exploration and evaluation of directions, ideas and methods





    Course summary:

    Date Details Due