Course syllabus

Urban metabolism and resources

ACE155  lp2 HT19 (7.5 hp)

Master Programme Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering 2019

Water Environment Technology, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Chalmers University of Technology

Contact details


Course student representatives

Milka Nyaga
Linnéa Johansson
Pontus Jörgensen
Nicole Carlbom
Jonas Strömberg

Course description

Link to course description document

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen: Study Plan



Course aim

The aim of the course is for students to understand functioning of cities in terms of their technical systems, including water and transportation infrastructures, urban resource use and waste production as well as exchange between the cities and the environment. The obtained skills will enable students to assess cities resource consumption and environmental impact, critically examine urban technical systems and propose the necessary measures to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and to meet challenges of global urbanization, resource scarcity and environmental degradation.

Learning objectives 

After completing the course the students should be able to:

explain critical aspects of sustainable development for urban areas with focus on environmental impacts and resource constraints;

study urban technical systems, including water and transportation systems, and resource flows to identify eventual problems in relation to sustainable development;

suggest improvements to technical systems, technology, resource management and lifestyles that may enable efficient resource use, mitigate climate impacts and prevent pollution;

simulate, predict and evaluate the effect of suggested improvements in urban systems on resource flows and the environmental impact.

Course content and organisation


Examination and assignments 

The final grade is based on the written report and oral presentation/opposition of the group project and on the written individual assignment. Mandatory attendance applies to laboratory works, consultations with teacher in group projects and for the final presentation of group projects.

Group project 

The group project is organised as a problem based learning project with focus on urban areas. You will work in groups, and study a real example case study.

Individual assignment 







Course summary:

Date Details Due