Course syllabus


EME110 Design of monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) lp1 HT19 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience

Contact details

Examiner, lecturer &

Course responsible

Herbert Zirath (HZ)
Zhongxia Simon He (SH)

Room B625

Room C619

Course Assistants

Ahmed Hassona (AH)

Sining An (SA)

Han Zhou (Han)  

Frida Strömbeck (FS)
Stavros Giannakopoulos (SG)

Addl. Lecturer

Dan Kuylenstierna (DK)

Vessen Vassilev (VV)

Jonas Hansryd Ericsson Research



Course purpose

The latest development in semiconductor technology has led to active components with transit frequencies well above 100 GHz even above 1 THz. Microwave circuits which are made directly on a single chip, i.e. a MMIC (Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit), are revolutionizing microwave electronics in the same way as when the integrated circuits arrived.

Microwave electronics based on MMICs are found in both consumer applications such as wireless LANs, vehicle radars, surveillance radars, microwave links and communication links, combining photonics and microwave electronics etc. In particular, the infrastructure for wireless mobile data communication, base-stations and microwave links for backhauling rely on integrated circuits working from a few GHz up to 100 GHz. Nowadays both silicon as well as GaAs, InP, SiC, and GaN semiconductor materials are used in these circuits.

The aim of this course is to give an understanding of how MMICs are designed and built. We look into design techniques of different circuit blocks such as amplifiers, frequency converters and oscillators followed by a dedicated lecture on passive circuits and their importance in MMIC implementation. Each topic is accompanied by a computer simulation lab and theoretical home assignments.

During this course you will make a complete MMIC design including layout preparation with a design kit from a commercial GaAs foundry.


Course design

We will form groups of two students, and together make a complete MMIC system. Each group will be responsible of a certain block. Your project assistant will play the role of the project manager to control the progress and quality of the design.

The design work will be done in Keysight ADS (Advanced Design System) by using a commercial GaAs pHEMT process. The circuits should be close to tape-out ready.

The goal is to get a deeper understanding on how the specific circuit behaves and functions as well as an understanding on how to design MMICs. The work should also contain theoretical background.

You will present your designs at the end of the course in a 10-15 minutes presentation and a report handed in. The report should be written in accordance to an IEEE template (maximum 4 pages) which can be downloaded from the course home page. This template is used when submitting scientific papers to conferences and is a good for getting some knowledge on how to write scientific papers. The report should also contain at least 4 references out of which at least 2 are not part of the course material.



Compulsory Points

Total Points

Hand-In Date*





MMIC technology



Sep 14




Sep 21




Sep 28




Oct 5

Passive Structures



Oct 12

Design Task***



        Oct 28





*       The deadlines are expected to be met. Late submissions can at most get the compulsory points

The home assignment will be handed out at least one week before the hand-in date

**    Quizzes are taken at the end of each topic, in the class (in total 5 quiz each 2 points)

***  The design task includes a presentation and a report


Course summary:

Date Details Due