Course syllabus
DAT420 / TIG095 Human - computer interaction lp3 VT20 (7.5 hp)
Course is offered by the department of Computer Science and Engineering
Contact details
- examiner: Sara Ljungblad
- teacher and course-responsible: Mafalda Samuelsson-Gamboa ( )
- teacher: Yemao Man (
- guest lecturers from the industry
For all questions about the course, please contact course responsible Mafalda in first hand (
Course representatives:
Sagar Tungal
Otto Lundin
Henrik Valter
Anna Nilsson
The first meeting is held after class, 11.45 Feb 3, 2020.
Course purpose
The purpose of this course is to give students basic knowledge regarding methods for designing and evaluating user interfaces.
As on Canvas, but also available:
Course literature
Preece, J., Rogers, Y. & Sharp, H. (2019). Interaction design : beyond human-computer interaction. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.
Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of
interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them. In human-computer interaction the main objective is to perform analysis, establish requirements, design and evaluate interactive computer-based systems and products with respect to the user. The purpose of this course is to give the student basic knowledge about human cognition and relevant methodology. The course will cover broad knowledge regarding designing interactive computer systems and interface design.
The course is based on lectures, exercises, group project, and an individual exam.
The whole course is tightly connected to the course book.
Course design
The course is based on lectures, exercises, project, and an individual exam.
The lectures are split into topics following the course book and also connected to an exercise where theory is put into practice. The exercises are supervised in class.
Following these ground-laying exercises, there is a group project. There is available supervision slots distributed to each group.
The examination is made through a two part home individual exam: a mid-term theoretical exam and a final home exam based on individual reflections on the practice of the group work. These two parts have equal weight in the final grade.
All information and description of the exercises and group project, as well as hand-ins for the home exam will be on canvas. Communication with the students will happen both on canvas and through email, using for example announcements.
Missed mandatory hand-ins will be compensated through similar exercises. This information will be available on canvas under each mandatory exercise or hand-in.
Changes made since the last occasion
A lot of changes have been made since the last occasion, but the overall structure of the course is maintained.
There is a new team of teachers assigned to this course, and administration centered in one teacher as well as the organisation of both the exercises and the project so that the connection between them is clearer, and that the students can understand how the exercises contribute to their project . Contact with the students will be kept constant and active during the course.
The exercises will have a clearer description and instructions on how to hand-in. The lectures will be strongly guided by the content of the course book.
The lectures will be strongly connected to the exercises and the learning goals will be made evident to students in all mandatory moments.
Peer-assessment will be added in the intention to give the students a higher ambition in the project work.Edit 200307 This has been cancelled due to uncertainties in Canvas support)
Learning objectives and syllabus
Knowledge and understanding
- Describe stages of the design process
- Describe methods for working with human-computer interaction
- Describe the similarities and differences of designing for different user groups
- Describe considerations for involving users in the design process
Skills and abilities
- Create designs specifically adapted for certain user groups
- Design with regards to users
- Modify design methods to fit the context and needs of users
- Identify needs and requirements for users
Judgement and approach
- Analyze designs taking into account the needs of users
- Make an informed evaluation of the ethical and societal impacts of a design
- Criticize designs and design processes with respect to the needs of users
Link to the syllabus at Chalmers Study plan
Link to the syllabus at GU
Examination form
The examination consists of two modules, namely:
- Exercises and project, 3 credits (pass / fail)
- A written assignment consisting of two parts: one with focus on literature and one with focus on reflections about the project work, 4.5 credits (Fail, 3,4,5)
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |