Course syllabus


ACEX15 Kandidatarbete i Arkitektur och teknik lp3 VT20 (15 hp)

Kursen ges av institutionen för Arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik



Morten Lund,  examinator,

Peter Christensson, teacher,



Over the years the AT3 BA-course has worked together with the division of Applied Acoustics through the MA-course in room acoustics called Sound of Vibration. Together the two courses have participated in the international student competition for the Newman Award of the American Society of Acoustics.

In the last few years the BA-course has also been coordinated with the course in building environment offered by the division Building Services Engineering. This has given the students the opportunity to integrate indoor climate along with room acoustics into architectural design.

Joining the competition has proven to be a useful pedagogical method for the project. The competition brief states specifies the submission layout which trains the students to work in the format planning their design process with a necessary specificity. Also, the  ultimate deadline of a competition gives a definite urgency to time-planning.

However, participating in the competition is not compulsory for the students. Yet, the theme of the competition will define the overall framework for each of  the design projects whether the student participate in the competition or not.

The AT3 BA-course in architecture is the conclusive project of three years of studies in architectural design and engineering. Consequently, the course emphasise the collaboration of the two distinct professional cultures and the integration of their diverse methodologies.

The students will obtain a confident proficiency in the iterative design process where experiments by artistic approaches and investigations of technological performances are integrated into an architectural design proposal.

Furthermore, the AT3-students will develop a multifaceted understanding of the fleeting phenomenon of sound applied in room acoustics and a proficiency to express its different qualities in drawings and models.


The iterative process is a series of progressions that during six phases gradually will inform the architectural design proposal:

  • sound and distance
  • spatial concepts
  • spatial design
  • integrated prototypes
  • competition narratives
  • project portfolio

During the first iterative phase the students work in groups of four. In the following two phases the students will work in groups of two. In the following two design phases each group will team up with a Sound of Vibration student. In the final project portfolio phase the students will work individually.

Initially, the iterative design process will be informed by an open exploration into the phenomenon of SOUND AND DISTANCE. The competition brief stipulates an open air music venue placed on a sloping landscape, which is able to contain an audience of up to 25.000 people.

There is no specific site in the competition. The project’s context is generic and loosely defined. It offers a good opportunity to study locations with the similar properties here in our region to actually get a feel of the surrounding soundscape – experienced in music as well as through traffic noise.

The explorations of the first iteration will be concluded in a short film produced by each group of four.

The second iteration is the SPATIAL CONCEPTS where alternative intentions are developed and tested against each other as rough ideas represented as sketches in models and in drawings. Here the students will begin to integrate the specific demands from the competition brief into a number of alternative spatial concepts.

The spatial concepts will be presented by the groups of two in a gallery critique.

The third iteration is the SPATIAL DESIGN that will be concluded with a complete draft of one design proposal. The integration is emphasised of the spatial design with the performance of room acoustics and indoor climate. Chosen design details and building materials will be developed in accordance with the spatial intentions and technical demands.

The spatial design will be presented by the groups of two in a gallery critique where the Sound of Vibration students are introduced to the project. Based on the gallery critique, the SoV students will then team up with the Architecture and Engineering students in the groups of two.

The fourth iteration is the INTEGRATED PROTOTYPES. In this phase the attention is directed toward chosen architectural components and structures with a critical position in the subsequent design proposal. Prototypes are normally understood as models actually tested, however with regard to the compact schedule the prototypes can also be qualitatively explained and informed by literature and references.

The fourth phase will be concluded with a gallery critique where the combined groups of three present their prototypes within the context of their spatial design.

The fifth iteration is the COMPETITION NARRATIVE, which is the design proposal communicated with regard to the selection scenario, the formal criteria and the specified format of the competition brief. The narrative, or how to tell the story of the proposal, is the main objective of the final phase where the students will work in the poster format required.

The fifth phase will be concluded in an auditorium critique where the combined groups of three present their boards. Based on the material presented the team of teachers plus an invite juror will select the three projects that after their best assessment will have the best chances to win the competition.

The final iteration is the translation from the poster format to the project portfolio. The project must be written in Swedish and include examples that highlights the design process inclusive the collaboration with the room acoustic students, a systematic account of the methodologies applied, and a critical reflection of the quality achieved of the integrated architectural design proposal.


Tutorials with the teachers are the principal teaching situation. Student to student feedback must take place between two groups by the end of each day of the project and will be documented in a group logbook.

Tutorials will take place each Tuesday from 9.00 in the small meeting room next to the micro lab at the AT floor.

Students will prepare one schedule for each teacher before tutorials. The groups will have a 15-minute time slot.

09.00–09.15     group  1

09.15–09.30     group  2

09.30–09.45     group  3

10.00–10.15     group  4

10.15–10.30     group  5

10.30–10.45     group  6

11.00–11.15     group  7

11.15–11.30     group  8

11.30–11.45     group  9

13.15–13.30     group  10

13.30–13.45     group  11

13.45–14.00     group  12

14.15–14.30     group  13

14.30–14.45     group  14

14.45–15.00     group  15

15.15–15.30     group  16

15.30–15.45     group  17

15.45–16.00     group  18


The AT3 student’s BA-projects will be examined at the obligatory critiques that conclude every iteration. To pass the students must submit and present their material for the scheduled critiques.

The iterative phases are concluded with a gallery critique except for the final critique, that is organised as an auditorium critique in front of a traditional pin-up with the boards. The critiques will be located at suitable places in the ACE building.



 The basic schedule for the Architecture and Engineering BA-project course begins February 18 and is concluded with the project portfolio hand-in May 25.

You are expected to be present in the studio during the scheduled days of the project.

Scheduled activities will start at 9.00 and finish at 17.00 if you are not notified of other hours in advance. Tutorials and critiques are shown in bold.

You can expect that there might be additions to the schedule like workshops, study trips, and lectures.


TUESDAY    FEB 18     13.15-15.00     INTRO

WEDNESDAY  FEB 19     08.00-16.00     self-study

FRIDAY     FEB 21     08.00-17.00     self-study


MONDAY     FEB 24     08.00-12.00     self-study

TUESDAY    FEB 25     09.00-17.00     TUTORIALS

WEDNESDAY  FEB 26     08.00-12.00     self-study

FRIDAY     FEB 28     09.00-17.00     GALLERY CRITIQUE


MONDAY     MAR 02     08.00-12.00     self-study

TUESDAY    MAR 03     09.00-17.00     TUTORIALS

WEDNESDAY  MAR 04     08.00-16.00     self-study

FRIDAY     MAR 06     08.00-17.00     self-study

MONDAY     MAR 09     08.00-12.00     self-study

TUESDAY    MAR 10     09.00-17.00     TUTORIALS

WEDNESDAY  MAR 11     08.00-16.00     self-study

FRIDAY     MAR 15     08.00-17.00     self-study

WEDNESDAY  MAR 18     08.00-16.00     self-study

THURSDAY   MAR 19     08.00-17.00     self-study

FRIDAY     MAR 20     13.15-17.00     GALLERY CRITIQUE WITH SoV


TUESDAY    MAR 24     09.00-17.00     TUTORIALS

WEDNESDAY  MAR 25     08.00-17.00     self-study

THURSDAY   MAR 26     08.00-17.00     self-study

FRIDAY     MAR 27     08.00-17.00     self-study

TUESDAY    MAR 31     09.00-17.00     TUTORIALS

WEDNESDAY  APR 01     08.00-16.00     self-study

THURSDAY   APR 02     08.00-17.00     self-study

FRIDAY     APR 03     09.00-17.00     GALLERY CRITIQUE WITH SoV

THURSDAY   APR 09     08.00-17.00     self-study


TUESDAY    APR 14     08.00-17.00     self-study

WEDNESDAY  APR 15     08.00-16.00     self-study

THURSDAY   APR 16     08.00-17.00     self-study

FRIDAY     APR 17     08.00 17.00      self-study

MONDAY     APR 20     08.00-17.00     self-study

TUESDAY    APR 21     09.00-17.00     TUTORIALS

WEDNESDAY  APR 22     08.00-16.00     self-study

THURSDAY   APR 23     08.00-17.00     self-study

FRIDAY     APR 24     09.00-17.00     FINAL CRITIQUE WITH SoV


TUESDAY    APR 28     09.00-17.00     TUTORIALS

WEDNESDAY  APR 29     08.00-17.00     self-study

THURSDAY   APR 30     08.00-17.00     self-study

MONDAY     MAY 04     08.00-17.00     self-study

TUESDAY    MAY 05     09.00-17.00     TUTORIALS

WEDNESDAY  MAY 06     08.00-16.00     self-study

FRIDAY     MAY 15     09.00-17.00     TUTORIALS ON CLIMATE

FRIDAY     MAY 22     08.00-17.00     self-study

MONDAY     MAY 25     09.00-17.00     PORTFOLIO HAND-IN




Listning av obligatorisk kurslitteratur, inklusive beskrivning av hur texterna återfinns (Cremona, biblioteket, länkar etc).

Även listning av referenslitteratur, ytterligare läsning (det vill säga, icke-obligatorisk litteratur).


Kursens upplägg

Beskrivning av kursens läraktiviteter; hur de genomförs och hur de hänger ihop. Detta är studentens guide till att navigera igenom kursen. Glöm inte att gärna ge studenten råd om hur de ska arbeta för att lära sig så mycket som möjligt baserat på den pedagogik du valt. Ofta kan man behöva understryka konkreta saker som hur ofta de bör gå in på kursrummet på lärplattformen, hur olika frågor fördelas mellan handledare, etc.

Skall innehålla plan för bland annat:

  • föreläsningar
  • övningar
  • laborationer
  • projekt
  • handledning
  • feedback
  • seminarier

Bör innehålla beskrivning av hur de digitala verktygen (lärplattform och andra) skall användas och hur de är organiserade, samt hur kommunikationen mellan lärare och studenter sker (lärplattform, e-post, annat).

Glöm inte att beskriva eventuella resurser som studenterna behöver använda så som labbutrustning, studios, verkstäder, fysiskt eller digitalt råmaterial.

Du bör vara tydlig med hur missade deadlines och kompletteringar hanteras.


Förändringar sedan förra kurstillfället

En sammanfattning av gjorda förändringar sedan förra kurstillfället, baserat på protokoll från kursnämndsmötet.


Kandidatarbetet i Arkitektur och teknik sammanfattar tre års studier inom två skilda kunskapskulturer och med olika metoder och verktyg. Arbetet ska särskilt lyfta fram de styrkor som de båda kulturerna var för sig och tillsammans representerar. I kandidatarbetet skall studenten i en komplex arkitekturuppgift självständigt kunna: - framställa ett förslag där växelverkan mellan rums- och byggnadsutformning gestaltas till en helhet - redovisa och kritiskt förhålla sig till uppgiftens kontexter - identifiera, formulera och bearbeta utformningsproblem - med ett kritiskt reflekterande förhållningssätt redovisa de metoder och avgränsningar som använts för bearbetning av utformningsproblemen - redovisa en kritisk reflexion över lösningens effekter på omvärld och användare - med stöd av relevanta teknikvetenskapliga metoder bedöma den föreslagna utformningens tekniska egenskaper - diskutera och redovisa alternativa vidareutvecklingar av förslaget till uppgiftens lösning - upprätta och följa en tidplan med etappredovisningar - muntligt och i dialog med kritiker diskutera uppgiftens resultat, effekter och möjliga vidareutvecklingar - kritiskt granska, värdera och konstruktivt ifrågasätta ett annat kandidatarbete avseende frågeställningar, genomförande och/eller förslag.



Beskrivning av hur kursens examinerande moment – salstentamen och andra – är upplagda och hur de bedöms.

Detta skall finnas med:

  • vilka moment som ingår, syftet med dessa och hur de bidrar till lärandemål
  • hur obligatoriska och/eller frivilliga moment bidrar till slutbetyget
  • betygsgränser och eventuella övriga krav för alla former av examination för att bli godkänd på kursen (obligatoriska moment)
  • form för examinationen, t.ex. om tentamen genomförs som digital examination
  • tid och plats för examination, dels ordinarie tentamenstillfälle, dels andra examinationer så som projektredovisningar; "Troligt datum för tentamen (obs vid eventuell ändring av tentamensdatum så finns alltid korrekt uppgift i Ladok)"
  • tillåtna hjälpmedel vid examination (skriftliga salstenta), samt om markeringar, indexeringar och anteckningar i hjälpmedel är tillåtna

Glöm inte att vara extra tydlig med projektuppgifter; vad är problemet, vad ska göras, vad är förväntat resultat, och hur ska detta resultat redovisas. Konkreta saker så som mallar för projektrapporter, vad händer om man lämnar in sent etc. är extra viktigt att ha med.

Länk till kursplanen i Studieportalen Studieplan

Course summary:

Date Details Due