Course syllabus


- - - - -  Pre Mid Term meeting 5th of March, 10-12, SB-H7   - - - - - - 


ACEX35 Master's thesis in Architecture lp3 VT20 (30 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 

See separate course-PM for further details and information. 

Contact details

Course Leader - Naima Callenberg 
+46 70 274 88 01 

Maja Kovacs

Administration contact 
Nidal Yousif

- - - - - 

We have 9 directions for the master’s thesis, each creating a studio environment with a team of examiners and supervisors. The directions are connected to three divisions at the department:

●  Material Turn: Jonas Lundberg, Jonas Runberger, Kengo Skorick

●  Matter Space Structure: Morten Lund, Jonas Carlsson, Naima Callenberg, Peter Christensson, Erica Hörteborn, Emil Adiels

●  Urban Challenges: Emilio Brandao, Joaquim Tarraso, Kengo Skorick, Shea Hagy and Marco Adelfio

●  Critical Spatial Perspectives: Kristina Grange, Nils Björling, Julia Fredriksson and Marco Adelfio

●  Housing: Ola Nylander, Kaj Granath

●  Healthcare: Göran Lindahl, Lin Tan, Cristiana Caira

●  Building and Tectonics: Mikael Ekegren och Björn Gross

●  Design for Architecture Heritage: Kia Bengtsson Ekström, Oscar Carlsson

●  Building Design for Sustainability: Paula Femenias, Liane Thuvander, Ida Röstlund, Anita Ollár, Krystyna Pietrzyk, Walter Unterrainer


Course purpose

The aim of the thesis is for the student to develop in-depth knowledge, understanding, ability and approaches within the parameters of the education. The thesis shall be produced at the end of the education and lead to a deepening and synthesis of previously acquired knowledge. The thesis shall emphasise the technical, scientific and artistic content of the Master of Science in Engineering, Architecture or Master of Science programmes. The overall aim of the thesis is for the student to demonstrate the knowledge and ability required for autonomous work as Master of Science in Engineering, Architect, Master of Science.

See course PM for further details. 


See course PM for a more detailed schedule 


Course design

The master’s thesis consists of the following obligatory opportunities, see below. Additional to these are tutorials and extra evaluations points, specified in each direction.

●  Introduction meeting: 20th of Jan, between 10-12, room SB-H2

●  Start-up meeting with direction, 20 or 21st of Jan, *email will be sent out

●  Pre-mid-term information meeting: 5th of March, between 10-12, room SB-H7

●  Mid-term seminar: 23rd-27th of March, on the Light yard + in the Atelier

●  Pre-Final/Open Seminar information meeting: 20th of April, between 10-12, room SB-H2

●  Booklet Hand-In: Monday 11th of May
The booklets are to be uploaded on Canvas for Urkund-inspection. Note that the booklet should be 95% completed.

●  Final seminar: 18-20th of May

●  Open seminar and Exhibition: Open seminars are held 1-4th of June. Closing and

celebratory ceremony on the 4th of June.

●  Final hand-in: 5th of June



● Start-Up
o Project Plan (100% Complete)o Abstract

● Midterm Seminar
o Presentation Material (50% Complete)o Booklet (50% Complete)
o Abstract with picture(s) + keywords

● Final Seminar
o Presentation Material (98% Complete)o Booklet (95% Complete)
o Abstract with picture(s) + keywords

● Open Seminar / Exhibition
o Presentation Material

o Booklet (100% Complete)

o Abstract with picture(s) + keywords● Final Submission, 100%

o Booklet (2x Printed, 2x PDF submissions)o Work Card
o Pictures from the process and exhibition

All submission specifications and folders are found on Canvas.


Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

The learning objectives for a thesis are based on the objectives for Master of Science in Engineering/ Architecture/Master of Science degrees formulated in Chalmers local Masters degree procedures. (Diarienummer: C2007/723).
Specific learning objectives that are to be fulfilled in the masters thesis are that the student should be able to:
- in their project use essential in-depth knowledge of the major subject/field of study and, in a scientifically correct way, relate to current research and development work;
- choose and state ones reasons for selecting their project method with respect to the major subject/field of study;
- contribute to research and development work, and be able to relate their work to relevant scientific or technical/industrial/architectonic contexts;
- based on a holistic view, critically, independently and creatively identify, formulate and deal with complex issues;
- plan and, with adequate methods, carry out qualified tasks within the designated framework and also be able to evaluate this work;
- create, analyse and critically evaluate different technical/architectonic solutions;
- critically and systematically integrate knowledge;
- present and discuss their conclusions as well as the knowledge and arguments these are based upon both in spoken and written English; 
- within the framework for the specific project, identify which issues need to be addressed for relevant societal, ethical and ecological factors to be observed, and
- observe and discuss ethical aspects of research and development work, both pertaining to how the work is carried out as well as what it explores/develops;
- identify and discuss needs for further elucidation of different project aspects before decision-making or project realisation, when relevant
Upon completion of the degree work, the student shall have demonstrated such knowledge and ability as are required to work independently as a Master of Architecture/ Master of Science.

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan

If the course is a joint course (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet) you should link to both syllabus (Chalmers and Göteborgs Universitet).


Examination form

The master’s thesis is given the grade of Pass or Fail.
The following are required for the award of the grade Pass;

●  An approved project plan

●  An approved thesis in the format of a booklet.

●  An approved oppositions of another fellow student ́s thesis at a Midterm Seminar, and light opposition at an open seminar.

●  Secretary at one master’s thesis presentations at a Midterm Seminar.

●  Attendance at four additional seminar both at the Midterm, Final and Open Seminar


●  A presentation, a version of the booklet, exhibition material, an abstract, should be delivered during the Midterm, Final and Open seminar.

●  An approved presentation and defence of the thesis at a Final Seminar

●  Delivery of the approved report digitally and in two printed copies

If you are late with deadlines, or do not deliver according to instructions, you will not be allowed to present your material.

Course summary:

Date Details Due