Web applications

DAT076 / DIT126
Web applications LP3 VT20 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Computer Science and Engineering. The aim of the course is to give students a broad introduction to enterprise-grade web applications like e-commerce sites.

Schedule for the course

Course syllabus at Chalmers course portal

Project presentation schedule

Self evaluation document

Minutes of mid-course meeting

Lecture presentations

Information about lab sessionsLaTeX: \LongrightarrowLab waiting listLaTeX: \LongrightarrowZoom Meeting

F.A.Q (Common Issues)

Project Information


All teaching and examination has moved to remote format. Please visit https://www.chalmers.se/sv/nyheter/info/Sidor/default.aspx for more information. Any remaining examinations of assignments are dona via Zoom (https://chalmers.zoom.us/j/8230837110). I will keep an eye on the Zoom meeting - you can also send me an SMS to get my attention.

Contact details

Student representatives

Course purpose

The aim of the course is to give students a broad introduction to enterprise-grade web applications like e-commerce sites.

The course presents a number of technologies and how they are related and used for developing web applications. The course provides a good insight to modern web based applications. Design problems related to web applications are presented - such as scaling, session handling, navigation and persistence.

Information retrieval from manuals and specifications is an integral and important aspect of the course. The course is applied, and the work is carried out in modern development environments. As an important part, the course presents advanced debugging, configuration, deployment and execution of web applications.

Course literature

Practical JSF, Michael Müller

The course book is "Practical JSF in Java EE 8" by Michael Müller (ISBN: 9781484230299).

The literature in the course is a combination of the information in the book and selected additional topics as covered by the lectures.

For topics not covered by the book, students are assumed to use the Internet as a source for gathering relevant information needed to complete assignments.

For  students that want to learn more in-depth about the feature set of  Java Server Faces, the book "The Definitive Guide to JSF in Java EE 8" by Bauke Schultz and Arjan Tijms (ISBN: 9781484233863) is recommended as additional reading material.


  • Good programming skills in Java
  • Knowledge in object oriented design and UML
  • Basic knowledge of data structures and algorithms
  • Basic knowledge of data communication and Internet protocols
  • Basic knowledge in database design

Courses DAT050, DAT055, LET375, LEU061, TDA357 or equivalent. The course requires good knowledge in Java. The other prerequisites in the list makes it easier  to complete the course and helps in general understanding. However, the course is laid out to allow students to be able to complete assignments and to learn and understand the topics, even if they lack some of these other prerequisites.


Lectures, assignments, weekly project group meetings with a supervisor and a final project. The final project is built and presented in groups of 4-5 students (4 is prefered and 5 is a firm maximum).


The course will be graded U, 3, 4 or 5.  The laboratory assignments must be passed for the course to be completed.  The grade for the course will be determined by the project grade and individually for each student based on their contribution to the project.

The supervised weekly project meetings are mandatory. If you have a lot of absence, your supervisor may decide to give you an extra assignment within the context of the group project. 

Course summary:

Date Details Due