Course syllabus


BOM185 Design management lp3 VT20 (7.5 hp)


Design Management

BOM 185

7,5 Hp














Ph.D., Mattias Roupé



tel. 772 11 33




Course coordinator:



Ph.D., Mattias Roupé


Ph.D., Mikael Johansson



tel. 772 11 33


tel. 772 11 32



The students shall understand the complexity of integrating different professional disciplines as well as engaging stakeholders in the design process in order to be able to develop a skill in managing the design process in the construction sector. The long-term objective of the course is to add to the development of design management as a value adding activity.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this course the students shall be able to:

  • Understand and be able to describe:
    • the complex challenges of a multidisciplinary process of design
    • the role of the design management process in construction
    • to discuss the challenges in the design management process
    • the Building Information Modeling (BIM) concept and it´s opportunities and implications in the design process and the management of it


  • Be familiar with and able
    • to describe and discuss the roles and actors in the design processes
    • to describe design theory and being able to discuss design processes and actions in it
    • to describe, use and discuss design methodology and tools
    • to take part in a multi-disciplinary team of building-design
    • to describe and discuss project management using BIM in the design process  


  • Communicate with other actors in the planning processes in a professional way


Content Description

The course contains lectures addressing design theory, design methods and design tools, including BIM, Integrated Project Delivery, focusing on how they are managed to lead and manage the design process.

Project tasks and exercises designed to teach the student to elements of the design process. Collaboration, communication and integration between different disciplines are the focus.


Assignment 1:  See separate document “BOM 185 Assignment 1”, at Canvas.

(Submit at Canvas, Deadline 14/2 23:59)


Assignment 2:  See separate document “BOM 185 Assignment 2”, at Canvas.

(Submit at Canvas, Deadline 20/3 23:59)


Computer Labs: BIM-Lab 1-6 see separate document at Canvas under “BIM Labs”.


The course is graded fail, 3, 4 and 5.

Assignment 1 is graded no pass/pass. It is a compulsory assignment. If not completed a complementing assignment will have to be done.

Assignment 2 is graded fail, 3, 4 and 5. To pass the course both assignments have to be completed. Grading criteria for assignment 2 are described in document describing assignment 2.

Computer Labs is graded no pass/pass.

Course summary:

Date Details Due