Course syllabus

The course will be given as distance course according to Chalmers policy for Q4 course. Please allow for continuously updates

Please make sure you have installed Zoom and that you can participate by Zoom on the course intro on Tuesday March 24 at 13:15. For link see the course calendar .

Under Files is a document, Organisation and readings, with weekly readings etc. That document will continuously be updated!


TEK610 Supply chain strategy lp4 VT20 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Technology Management and Economics


The overall aim of the course is to give participants comprehensive knowledge on the strategic management of operations and supply chains in different types of industrial and technology-based firms. After passing the course successfully, the student shall be able to analyse industrial systems as well as design and manage supply chains.

Learning outcomes

  • Apply tools and theories of strategy analysis
  • Analyze and devise plans for how business units create and sustain competitive advantage (i.e., business strategy)
  • Understand and be able to devise plans for how a Supply Chain Strategy can be realized and connected to the Business strategy
  • Describe why and how operations and supply chain can be designed to enhance the competitiveness of modern industrial firms.
  • Describe what economic trade-offs and compromises required in operations systems and supply chains, and what tools and models that can be used for such analyses in the pursuit of value creation.
  • Describe what possibilities and barriers that may appear in industrial continuous improvement work, and state advantages and drawbacks of different change strategies.
  • Apply methods for analyzing operations and supply chains, aiming at identifying improvement areas from technical, economical and organizational perspectives.
  • Being able to setting up a Supply Chain Strategy incl.
    • Define Strategy streams
    • Project plan
    • Implementation plan
    • Mapping a As is State of a Supply Chain
    • Using the SCOR Model to map processes in a SC
    • Identify Key Stakeholders
    • from As-Is analysis create targets for improvements
    • Summary As Is State in a SWOT analysis and list opportunities
    • Create Value streams that identifies opportunities (Size, Root Cause, Enablers, Annual Impact) and how to form this into a strategy program and implementation
  • Present and defend written and orally presented analyses and recommendations based on cases.
  • Demonstrate awareness of ethical aspects of research and development
  • Explain the relationship between problem, purpose, study design, qualitative and quantitative methods and data analysis


  • Strategy
  • Stregizing in distribution networks
  • Supply Chain Analysis and related methods and models
  • Key Performance Indicators
  • SCOR
  • Case(es)


  • Case Competition – Active Participation, hand in solutions and presentation of solution. The finalists will receive 3 bonus points each*.
  • SCM Case Smith & Kline - Active Participation in all 5 workshops and hand in of solution to part 1
  • Case Kihlens – Approved report, approved peer review and presentation. The report will be graded Pass/Not passed. A report that has received Pass will receive 2 bonus points, and a report that has been extraordinarily well worked out may receive an additional 3 bonus points (in total 5 bonus points). Report that has received a “No Pass”, must be corrected in order achieve a Pass level, no bonus point will be given to these reports.
  • Written exam, the exam will have a maximum of 50 points. In order to pass student must achieve > 50%, i.e >25 points

* Bonus points can’t be used for a grade 3, only for grade 4 and 5.

In the end of the course there will be a final exam, Please DON’T forget to sign up for the exam. Examination sign-up study period 1 can be done between, Mon 2018-08-20 and Thu 2018-10-11, for more info about the reading year please see,

The course will be graded according to   

25 ≤     Grade 3  < 33

33 ≤     Grade 4  < 40

40 ≤     Grade 5


Written exam will take place

This is not decided yet, information will be posted as soon as possible



OH:               Ola Hultkrantz,

GS                 Gunnar Stefansson,

KH:               Kajsa Hulthén,

RH                 Robin Hansson,

FH:                Fredrik Helgesson,

ES                 Erik Sandberg,

Course summary:

Date Details Due