Course syllabus


SJO837 Risk and safety management lp4 vt19 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences

Contact details

Lecturer: Henrik Ringsberg, [HERI], e-mail:

Examiner Olle Lindmark, e-mail:

    Course purpose

    The course aims at providing an in-depth understanding of risk management and safety from a transport and operations perspective in order to achieve economical, ecological, and social sustainability. It includes prerequisites of and the processes and tools related to risk management, e g risk assessment, as well as to safety management systems and culture and risk management methodology.  

    Moreover, the course aims at providing a base for skills in concepts such as risks, likelihood and magnitude, preventive actions, preparedness and contingency planning, monitoring and improvement of the framework together with some elements of societal resilience. Furthermore security demands and needs in relation to risk management framework.



    Course literature

    Text book

    Hopkin, P. (2018). Fundamentals of Risk Management: Understanding, Evaluating and Implementing Effective Risk Management (5th Edn.): Kogan Page.


    Scientific articles

    Excerpt of scientific papers in the field of risk management, logistics, supply chain risk management, research methodology will be used to complement theory in the textbooks.

    Notice: For copyright reasons, the scientific papers have to be downloaded by students themselves.

    Lecture handouts and material

    Lecture handouts and material used will be continuously posted and available via the course homepage on CANVAS.

    Course design

    The course follows a problem-oriented pedagogy, and consists of lectures, workshops, and a project. It consists of one generic part on risk management, and projects on transport and operations. The learning activities are:

    - Lectures/ videolectures and guestlecture (mandatory): Provides theoretical foundation and support for project work
    - Workshop: Practical training in risk and reliability tools, and decision making in uncertain conditions
    - Study visit (mandatory)
    - Project assignment (mandatory): Applying skills learned throughout the course to improve reliability, decrease risk, handle uncertainty from a transport and/or operations perspective
    - Presentation: Be able to present project results to top-level decision-makers

    Teaching and learning activities in the course are linked to the three thematically blocks:



    Learning objectives and syllabus

    - Describe the basic concept of risk and safety.
    - Illustrate safety culture and establish a safety management system with working processes.
    - Apply a risk management methodology and use risk and reliability tools to identify, analyze, evaluate, and reduce risks.
    - Use a structured methodology for decision making under uncertain situations
    - Explain fundamental legal aspects, and demands in standards, of risk, safety and security.
    - Understand and analyze the complexity of risk management and safety management system.
    - Demonstrate understanding of preparedness planning and contingency planning.
    - Demonstrate in-depth ability to identify further needs of additional knowledge and skills for safer and more sustainable world..

    Study plan

    Examination form

    The examination consists of the following elements:

    Written exam: (5,0 Hp), graded: TH (i.e. Failed, 3, 4, 5)

    Project assignment: Presentation and opposition (2,5 Hp), graded: U-G. (i.e. Failed (U)-Passed (G)

    Written exam

    The course includes a written exam in the end of the course

    Project assignment

    The project assignment takes it starting point in studies of risk- and security management. The purpose of the project assignment is to deepen knowledge and understanding of practicalities and theory about risk- and safety management. The project assignment is conducted in groups of 3-4 students/ group and conducted as follows:

      1. Contact company/ organization; E.g. within shipping, transport/ distribution, petro chemical, production etc. a local/ regional governmental authority situated in Gothenburg or in the nearby cities, to be used as a case.
      2. Identify a relevant research problem: Each group identifies a relevant research problem related to risk and safety management that needs to be studied at the contacted company/ organization. In the contact with companies/ organizations it is important to consider the ability to access data.
      3. Literature, relevant references: Each group identifies and studies relevant scientific papers and/ or half-scientific reports (e.g. Laws, regulations, directives, ISO-standards) needed to support the solution and the analysis of the identified (research) problem.
      4. Mid-term project presentation: Each group should conduct a mid-term presentation of the project on April 15th. The purpose of the mid-term presentation is to discuss and identify improvement suggestions or changes in the direction within presented projects.
      5. Project report and opposition: The project is reported as a project report, 4000-(absolute max 5000) words (approx. 7-10, A4 pages), which include frame of references, and a solution of the identified research problem.The written project report should follow the IMRAD structure;


    • Introduction (I); background, research problem, purpose- and research questions
    • Methods (M);
    • Result and Analysis (R&A)
    • Discussion (D)
    • Conclusions

    A final version of the written project report must be sent as a word-file on CANVAS, no later than on May 17th at 12.00 AM, CET.

    Each group should conduct an opposition on another group project report. The opposition should be:

    • Sent in as an opposition report on CANVAS, no later than on May 22nd at 12.00 at 12.00 AM, CET
    • Orally present during 5 minutes on May 24th

    6. Final project presentation and opposition: Each group presents their project during 10 min (followed by 5 min opposition by the opponent group). Project presentation and opposition is scheduled to May 24th (13.00-17.00) CET


    During the course, there will be one 10 min (max!) supervision occasion on April 17th


    • For an efficient supervision, each project group must have prepared questions prior to the supervision occasion.
    • Failure in preparation of project presentations, i.e. the Mid-term- and the Final project presentation, will prohibit participation at the project presentation seminars.
    • Dates for uploading a finals version of project report, on CANVAS

    For participating students to pass the course, all course components must have achieved the grade Passed (G).


      Course summary:

      Date Details Due