Course syllabus


KKR073 Computational fluid dynamics for engineers (CFD) lp4 VT20 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Contact details

Examiner: Ronnie Andersson (RA),, 7722941, office room 2210.

Lecturers and Instructors see course PM: CFD Course -PM and Schedule 20200212 v1.pdf

Course purpose

The course gives an introduction into advanced modeling using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), which has become a indispensible tool for many engineers. The focus is on modeling the interaction between convection, diffusion, heat conduction and chemical reactions for single phase and multiphase flows. The focus is to teach how to do CFD analysis correctly but not how to write your own CFD code. The student is given hands-on experience of drawing, meshing and simulation. One important objective is to give the students a critical attitude to both identify the possibilities and the limitations in advanced simulation programs. After completing the course the student will be able to select appropriate models and perform advanced simulations in accordance with best practice guidelines.  



Course literature

See course PM.CFD Course -PM and Schedule 20200212 v1.pdf

Course design

The course includes lectures, and 3 tutorials and one project. A commercial CFD program will be used in the course. The aim of the computer-based design project is to provide students with the opportunity of the practicing problem-formulation and problem-solving through the use of an advanced CFD program. A written report from each of the tutorials and the project that should contain a critical discussion of the models used in the simulation and an assessment of the reliability of the simulation.

Changes made since the last occasion

No changes in learning goals and examination.

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

  • Understand basic principles of turbulence, mixing, fast reactions (combustion), multiphase flows and how these are related.
  • Understand the basics and limitations with the models used in CFD and select appropriate models for these systems.
  • Solve problems related to the systems above by selecting suitable models and numerical methods.
  • Provide the students with hands-on experience with a state of the art CFD program.
  • Critically evaluate simulation results and communicate the results in oral and written form.


Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen.

Study plan


Examination form

Written exam, compulsory tutorial and project reports. Detailed descripion in course PM. CFD Course -PM and Schedule 20200212 v1.pdf

Course summary:

Date Details Due